Monday, August 14, 2023

The Dust Bunny Battle!

 The Dust Bunny Battle!


This morning was spent in some serious contention with dirt, dust bunnies, and assorted debris. Mopping started with the Swiffer being out of juice, so, having learned how to replace the fluid without having to purchase the expensive stuff, the old woman heated water in a Pyrex cup in order to remove its lid. Filled the bottle with mostly water before putting in some good cleaning mixture. Then the battle began! Some of the dust bunnies had escaped the Shark—in fact, the Shark had gobbled so many in chunks that it had to have its little canister dumped. But after mopping with the Swiffer, it seemed that there were more dust bunnies. Dust pan and broom to the rescue! Then the UPS man arrived with a large package that stirred up a different kind of debris—paper pills and tape messes. Anyway, after vacuuming the bedroom, office, living room, and kitchen, the sweat factor had accomplished what the dust bunnies could not—the old woman had to give up, throw her wet duds in the hamper, and take a cold shower! Cold—as in hot water from the cold faucet! Imagine that.


Texting my niece in Illinois convinced me that not everyone is dealing with miserable heat. She said their temperatures had been in the 90s. Told her ours were in the 100-plus category. Such a difference! Today actually has been half-way decent.


Texting my sister-in-law in Arkansas brought some good news. Sterling is feeling a bit better, and Jacqui is only somewhat uncomfortable with her knuckles where the doctor cut into them to straighten them out. She did not say anything about the carpal tunnel cut so maybe it was a bit like the other cuts. At least that seemed to be what she meant. Texting is not the greatest way to communicate. Don’t know why we didn’t just talk, but that’s how it was. Just glad to know that both are doing ok. When asked if Sterling was keeping her well fed, she said, “Oh yes! Sonic is just down the street!”


Guess the old woman has Walmart to thank for getting me up and at it this morning. My phone tingled with a text message saying my purchase was on its way. The box got here before noon, but the 6:15 wake up text made it sound as if the truck was out on the road already! Oh well. Considering how much stuff was done this morning, maybe a thank you note to Walmart might be appropriate.


Made some Mango-Ginger tea to drink today. Really enjoy that stuff. It has no caffeine and just tastes good. Lewis always liked his orange pekoe-pekoe or whatever that stuff was. He drank tea by the pitcher and his wife drank coffee by the pot. Now my coffee is decaffeinated. Sigh. It is still good, but has no perking quality about it. Perk-me-ups might not be good for old folks, all things considered, but once in a while a real cup of coffee is good just to see if my motor still runs.


Thankful today for the lack of broiler heating from the sun, but still praying for rain. Dear Hearts, that rain makes a BIG difference in life around these parts. Feeling for those who have been burned out or flooded out, but still asking God to wet us down thoroughly. We hope for no more downbursts to destroy property, but we could certainly enjoy watching the rain come down right now.


Let us rejoice in the many blessings of life, love, family, and the health we need to appreciate all of those. Pray for this poor world.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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