Wednesday, July 12, 2023




Cantaloupe is about the only food that sounds good in this heat. If we wanted anything cooked, just sit outside and watch it roast in this heat. The wind makes me think of one of those new-fangled air fryers—not that one lives here on the kitchen counter or anything. But water from the garden hose could blister anything it touches until the water in the hose changes to the stuff from underground. Pretty bad when the water nozzle burns one’s hands. Don’t even need the warm water for a shower. Just the “cool” water is warm enough!


Griping is not going to change things, but it is traditional around here. Just looking out the window while standing in front of the AC unit makes me realize that those guys working over on the State grounds are bound to be miserable. They are cutting the grass near the new fence sections going up. And then there are the guys who have to put those bricks into the new columns! Hope they are carrying ice water with them! Even worse are the number of cars out on the highway. Woe be unto anyone who has a flat or any kind of car trouble! Let’s pray for those who find it necessary to travel anywhere right now.


Last night the old woman stayed up very late to gather up the roosters, tied their legs, put them in a storage container, and bid them goodbye this morning as Stephen and his mom took them back to Stephen’s place to put them in a horse stall. They would need water and their legs untied, but otherwise, they should be ok until whoever gets them comes for them. Had never counted them before last night. Ten roosters—some were iffy, but it is hard to tell when they don’t grow the top knots and just have those lovely, long tail feathers. Stephen could not believe they were ALL roosters! He can decide. They had to come inside to sit under the AC until he came for them. It was too hot for them to be outside. Naturally, the living room had to be sprayed with deodorant after the big container was removed. Oh well. Not much different than wet dogs.


My friend Michelle says that this is the kind of weather when a person sleeps during the heat of the day and then enjoys a bit more life by being awake at night. Sounds like a plan to me!


Think Jennifer and Gary and their oldest son Grayson are leaving for Jamaica tomorrow. This is in celebration of Grayson’s graduation from the master’s program. It was funny to me that when he changed jobs, the first thing he told his prospective employer was that he had to be gone this next week—and why. Must be nice to be enough in demand to set up the first time off!


While the Texas sun has pretty much affected the way we think this summer, it still amazes me that the entire earth seems to be trying to throw up some lava or ashes to go with the heat. Earthquakes are just about as destructive as things get, but then the floods can wash away the roads and cities as well—without giving any relief from the summer heat. We can’t really gripe too much around here because other places have had it so much worse. Not that we are immune to our griping habits. We just have to thank God that things are not any worse than they are. So far as we have seen, Texas has not blown out any volcanos in the past century or two. Guess we can just be thankful.

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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