Friday, July 28, 2023

Being Still.

 Being Still.


Sometimes it is just better to find a sit-down and be still job to do when the heat and other factors make it too miserable to get around as if energy were a Texas breeze. In my case, energy comes and goes with the thermometer. Yesterday morning was a “getter ‘er done” situation. Today, it has been a day to go through papers and files—to either pitch or put in folders to keep. Found all kinds of interesting things to keep. If the children don’t want them later, the old woman won’t be around to be concerned about it one way or the other. But they did not need the Exxon travel maps, the old accounts of a defunct partnership, or other things of that sort. The trash bin was extra heavy today.


Other than sifting through family memories and the pictures to prove them, the only accomplishment was killing a stinging scorpion. Think the poison put out had pretty well already done the deed, but even a sick scorpion can still sting. Then ONE stupid khaki plant got dug up and tossed in the trash bin. Managed to get a tiny sticker in a finger. At least the weed is no longer there to reproduce those mean stickers!


Told Diann Dennis today that if she wanted to, she could put her posts directly on the page of Common Sense and Happiness. Same goes for Tami Yonts or any of the rest of you. I know my friend Robin’s little Angel—yes, a dog—has been terribly sick, and maybe some of you might not think that is the sort of thing that goes on a prayer list, but my prayer for Robin is that she be comforted by her dog—and that the dog remains in good health to encourage her. So many “little things” matter to make our world a better place. We don’t have to know all the ins and outs of each situation to know that it is too easy to become discouraged by life. We are here to help others and to show love in the best way we can. If any of you feel that our prayers would be of help to you, just ask—post a request, if you will. My brother’s wife Jacqui sent me pictures of his nasty case of shingles this evening. Oh! Horrors! How he could even put on a shirt amazes me. All over his neck and left shoulder, his face on that side, and his chest on that side are just covered in something that looks much like a second degree burn with blisters. Please pray for him.


The world is increasingly immoral and corrupt, but God expects us to not be like the world—be in it, but not OF it. Let us show His love for others and walk uprightly in His sight.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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