Friday, July 7, 2023

Quick Visit.

 Quick Visit.


Sharon and Jim Dickerson stopped by briefly to say hi this morning. They were on their way to Vernon as Jim was going to attend his high school reunion this weekend. Sharon brought a sack of goodies including a hat type thing she made for me that is an ear muffler for cold weather. Yes, we do have cold weather in Texas, even though it seems to be forgotten around about now. Anyway, she had a little sack that included a bell pepper, a cucumber, and a couple of tomatoes from their “garden.” Had to show them my one healthy looking tomato vine and the squash plant that may someday produce a squish! Then we stepped out on the deck to look at my chicks. Sharon thought surely these were not chicks since they looked almost grown. They DO grow rather quickly. These were purchased from TSC toward the last of April, so these chicks have been growing awhile. One chick that has grown up to be a rooster has such pretty tail feathers that Sharon thought they needed to be in a hat! Hmm. Just need to find someone who wants a few roosters for “whatever” reason. Used to raise them, kill and dress them, and put them in the freezer, but that was many years ago. Just not going to do that ever again unless it is the only way the old woman and the dogs can eat.


Thinking about something said to me the other day that got my dander up just a wee bit. Employees are not servants. Whether we personally employ someone or whether they work for the city or a business, that person is NOT a servant. They do not owe us any special service—only enough to do the job well that they were hired to do. Sweet attitude helps, but it is not something we can demand. City employees are often timed for routes or jobs on which they are sent. The mail carriers have the same or similar restrictions. Our old mailman, Mr. Couch, told me that he was timed for stops and for how much he got done if he had to work an extra route. The city sent a man around to ride in the truck that picks up our garbage. His route is also timed. And recently they doubled his route to include one that another driver had before the trucks broke down and before the city was unable to find drivers for the trucks that were drivable. Our route driver is named Duane. He is a nice guy who told me how we had to set our bins when he first started this route. He has to back all the way from the main highway to the end of our street since he is not allowed to turn around on any private property. Patty has to pay the city an extra fee to have him walk past her gates over a hundred feet from her trash bin. She tries her best not to have any trash except what can be put inside one or two bags—nothing extra to pick up. We appreciate Duane’s service to our needs. But neither of us expect him to stop his truck for any other purpose. After all, he even has to eat his lunch while driving that smelly truck! Anyway, my point is that we should appreciate the services that are provided by the men and women who do all the everyday hard work of keeping our city clean and neat. We are privileged—but not entitled—to have those who are willing to do these jobs.


Just saw some pictures with a post about Diann Dennis’ granddaughter Raye Louise. This precious child is having to endure all kinds of chemo and tests that have bad side effects. Please pray for Raye Louise and her family. At least the parents have Diann to fall back on for help. That is a blessing, especially for Raye’s little brothers; those boys will remember this time with their grandmother as one of joy and freedom to roam. Our prayers do make a difference. Please pray for them all.


Watching some slow work being done across the front of the State Hospital. It makes me believe that either a humongous fence is going up or lights—who knows—maybe both. Sad to see this hospital being turned into a prison for criminally insane. Guess the slightly strange folks just have to handle life with the rest of us weirdos. My neighbor said the only really good advice she ever got in all the years she worked there was: “Don’t engage.” Guess that makes sense whether or not one suspects another person of mental instability.


Still reading J. S. Baxter’s Explore the Book. Finished Matthew and started on Mark. It is rather amazing to have such an overview of something that seems otherwise so familiar. Learn something every time!


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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