Friday, February 9, 2024

THAT Type of Dog Day!

 THAT Type of Dog Day!


Took Roxie to the vet this morning. She was so very nervous that she started dropping her hair all over the exam table. Pretty soon there were TWO dogs on that table, but one was made out of fur. Poor baby. She has never worn a collar or leash and has seldom been inside a crated dog carrier. This one has wheels on it like the type of luggage one takes to the airport. Even so, she really does not like being away from home and in a strange place. She got a package of antibiotics for the infection, and Patty wanted to know how she could have an infection if she was not running fever. Well, I can. Dogs and old women. Oh well.


The hens are all up for the night now. The dogs have destroyed another alligator—squeakers and legs! The dinosaur lost its head and squeaker as well. We are a destructive bunch around here!


The casserole turned out ok. The dogs helped me eat it. Next time will actually buy some queso to use in it. Mild chilis were good, but the rice reminds me why the dogs so seldom get rice. What a mess they can make with rice! The sweet potatoes are supposed to be good for them and it is easy to mix them in, but personally, my sweet potatoes need lots of butter and just hot out of the microwave!


Just got a sweet text. My neighbors left tulips on the bench on the front porch. How blessed the old woman is! Love that God has given me such good neighbors after hardly having any at all for so many years.


Talked to Michelle Malay and got the weather report straight from the knees! Such is life for those who have any kind of arthritis. It makes me wonder if Shona’s daughter hurts as badly as the rest of us when the weather changes like this. Her joints do not move at all. Hard to imagine going through life like that. May God bless her.


Prayers are needed for a couple or three folks. My cousin John has fluid on his abdomen that is going to have to be drained and the source discovered. He has dialysis three hours each for three days a week as it is. He and Wham have really been through the surgeries and assorted procedures in the past few years. Please pray for them. My sweet brother told the doctor the last time he was there that he had developed a hernia, but the doctor did not seem to think it needed to be repaired. NOW he has to have it fixed as soon as they can get him in. It is hurting him. That surgery is not any fun at all from what is in my experience of seeing folks go through it. Daddy had so little muscle left that all the screen type filler that they put inside him was more than any real flesh that was left. But he managed to live through that. Then my friend Stephen had two back-to-back seizures and is not recovering the way he should. His physical problems are not improving, but at least he has a sweet lady named Victoria who has been staying there to take care of him and the livestock. Stephen needs for the VA to pay her to take care of him and for his physical problems to not get any worse. It would help considerably if his marital problems would be alleviated as well. When children are disrespectful and listen to someone lie to them, it makes it hard on those who know the truth. May God give each of them justice.


Finally, let us rejoice in each day no matter how difficult things may be. We MAKE it through the days and can hold our heads up because God loves us no matter how silly our decisions or dumb thoughts. Each night of rest, each dawn, each smile we show or see, each critter we talk to and pet, each person we pray for or talk to—give thanks for all these things.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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