Thursday, February 29, 2024




Thank you, Michelle Malay, for helping me “find my scissors”! That is the expression Joe used to tell her when she was trying to remember a word and simply could not find it up there in that brain! See, lots of us have that problem.


Now, to explain why faithfulness means so much: if you promise to love and honor a wife or husband, don’t you feel that it is a life-long commitment? If you swear allegiance to your nation and promise to uphold its laws, don’t you feel that you should fulfill that promise? Some of us know better than to watch the news—even the one station that tells what is probably the truth—FOX. Watching the police officers being beaten by a gang of illegal immigrants who flipped the entire nation off as soon as they walked away from the court—or seeing the scenes described when a student nurse was clubbed to death by an immigrant who was supposedly a “resident” of a town in Georgia—these things make a person of common sense wonder where common sense was slaughtered and then buried! And the upper court telling the state of Texas that they do not have the right to protect their own border nor have the right to send those invaders back to Mexico or other places—these things make a person’s head hurt. If police officers have no right to protect themselves in New York City, the gentlemen of the streets have decided to do it for the officers: “We’ve got your back,” they said. Please God, do not let any of those old veterans be killed or put in prison for protecting those officers. As for Texas, no one has taken up arms yet. This is the beginning of another front—as if the weather and fires were not enough already!


Told Michelle that my kids would be concerned that Mom was watching the news again!! Well, one thing today made me smile. A lady in Amarillo saw some trucks hauling hay up to the ranchers and their cattle. She gave each driver a hundred dollar bill for their diesel! Praise God! One other little factoid made me smile: did you know that folks born on February 29 are called “Leaplings”? How about that! They will never be as old as the rest of us since they only get to have a birthday every four years!! Yes, we know that is not exactly accurate, but it still seems kinda neat.


It's forty degrees here right now. We have had misty rain most of the day. It’s not the kind of rain that will do anything for the lakes, but it still makes things feel moist out there. Anything that keeps it from being dry and ready to burn beats the hey out of what is going on in the Panhandle. May God bless those folks and their livestock. Lots of folks in this area are offering to haul cattle or put them on their pastures for the time being. If the Panhandle gets some rain—even a couple of inches of snow—they will have green grass soon from the roots of that which burned. Let’s pray for them.


Another week and some of my family is supposed to head for Scotland. So excited for them. Have not looked at the weather report for Aberdeen, but know that this is lambing season for those folks. Probably is here, too, but it has been years since this old girl helped with lambs. Remember Granddad had to bring in a few lambs to warm them up on the oven door. Can you imagine? Little wet ears would get frost bite if they were not dried well enough. And those ewes were awfully good about having twins and maybe not taking as good care of both lambs. We always ended up bottle feeding a bunch each year. It was probably hard for Granddad, but it was heaven for me.


We know the One that is committed to His promises. He is Faithful. Let us trust that in His care, we shall see the promises.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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