Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Refills and Other Thoughts.

 Refills and Other Thoughts.


Since discovering that Sam’s pharmacy will fill Thompson’s Rx from our vet, it has been so nice to be able to pick it up here in WF so that we don’t run out. When going to see our vet the next time, maybe he will allow us to have a written prescription so that it can be refilled by Chewie since they offer it so much more cheaply. It is just amazing that the different prices are for the exact same drug. My neighbor has been buying a drug here that costs a small fortune simply because only one drug company carries that particular drug. Still, even at Sam’s Thompson’s Rx is a tiny bit over $71.


Have to take Roxie to the vet in the morning. Her nose has a little place on it that keeps swelling for some reason. They tried to get something out of it the last time we were there, but it just seems to get bigger. Praying that it is not some kind of cancerous growth or something. Patty really loves her puppers. They are pretty much all the family she has left. Sad, just sad.


It’s all cloudy out this evening, but Siri says it does not look like it is going to rain. Guess we can just appreciate the fact that it is not freezing or something—or flooding. Feel so sorry for folks who are having to deal with bad weather. Reading today on the history channel and looked at the earthquake damage that they had years ago in Missouri. Folks lost ACRES of land and everything on it back then. It was the first time Congress ever stepped in to offer assistance, but the common people did not profit much. Land speculators got there first! Still, those must have been some doozies of earthquakes because they even felt them clear to the East Coast!


Walking through Sam’s this afternoon made me think of that deal where someone asks you if you had X number of dollars and only so much time, where would you spend it? Walked by lilac and hydrangea plants along the front aisle going to the pharmacy. Wow! It would not take me long to spend a small fortune if the old woman had that kind of money. Plants always appeal to me! And anything that stays around from year to year is especially neat. One year the only thing that lived was a grape vine. It is still there and doing just fine. This year some seeds might come up, but it will have to be warmer before they get put in the ground. Sterling tells me that the stuff that the Chicken Chick suggested for my coops would not make a good soil amendment. So, back to shaved wood. DE is supposed to be carcinogenic, so that turned out to be a bad idea even if it did keep the flies and odor down. Shaved wood may do better anyway. Can always put the rest of the DE around the base of house to keep out bugs—or not. Not sure what else to do with it.


Reading a series of books about women whose lives changed drastically after many years of being married to one person. Ya know, a woman does not have to be divorced to find out that she needs to be independent and be able to make her own friendships. Guess the same goes for men if their status suddenly changes from married to either widowed or divorced. Just notice that some things are understandable from a woman’s point of view. We tend to overthink things, or at least, some of us do. It is so easy to become dependent on the help from a mate or our children when we really need to either make friends and/or learn to take care of ourselves. For some reason, my “go to” help is always a quick prayer for help from my Father. He has a tendency to help me make up my mind or to find a solution to a problem. But then, He is ALWAYS there! He will never leave us alone. So glad for that.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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