Sunday, February 18, 2024

Comfort Levels.

 Comfort Levels.


The heater in the big bathroom is on right now to knock the coolness off that room. Either a soak in the tub or a hot shower is going to happen later on after the hens are fastened into their coops and the curtains drawn in the living room. Just need some relaxed muscles to happen this evening. Not sure if it is the weather or my dingy thoughts that have me tied up in knots, but definitely need the muscles to relax. Since Shona is having some of the same problems, maybe it is the weather. Or not.


Still going back through Lehman Straus’ lessons on the Revelation. It is difficult for me to understand how anyone can worship an idol, but then we might have to consider exactly what constitutes an idol. We see the world around us and want things. We want security. We believe that each of us is more special than any other person. Duh. It is one thing to recognize one’s self and the necessity to govern one’s self, but none of us can assume that we deserve some thing or recognition more than another person. Christ gave His life for those called to Him. Why one would be called and another is not? Can’t answer that question, but am convinced that we should answer the call for sure! Somehow those called have a job to do. Don’t know what that job will be either. Can’t expect someone to come up and hand us a job description for this life. EXCEPT He did. He gave us the job description. Love God. Love one another as He loved us.


Just thoughts for the evening. Maybe physical maladies are part of the job description. Can we love despite problems and aches? Can we be giving despite our sorrows? He did.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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