Saturday, February 17, 2024

Just Goofin' Off Again!

 Just Goofin’ Off Again!


Other than dust moppin’ and vacuuming, my main endeavor today has been to go out and gather the eggs and try to keep the silly hens out of the workshop. Moved the feed bins inside the workshop to have more room in the coops, but the hens follow that feed when they see what is going on. Two of the red hens were determined to stay in the workshop after feed was tossed out for them. The same two hens would not mind following me inside the kitchen if the old woman were not paying attention! Silly chickens!


For some reason, the Civil War was on my mind this morning. Think what brought that on was the facts that have been popping up in my feed about the enormous amount of production in Texas—more than most European countries! And yes, someone is always calling for Texas to secede from the Union. Not happening! That war may not totally be over in some minds, but Texas has its own state of being that has nothing to do with denying our neighbors’ rights. Some say that Texas is a state of mind anyway. Pretty well true.


One thing that saddens folks my age is the lack of knowledge that is prevalent among younger generations. And then some dipsticks want to erase history and all the statues that ever existed so that no one will ever learn the truth—well, truths. You have to understand that each race has its truth. Joe Malay posted once that the Irish women who were brought over here were often used as brood mares for the black slaves in order to provide strong, healthy children. Did you just shake your head? What about the Indian children who were taken from their parents in Oklahoma and put into “schools” where they were not allowed to speak their own language. They had to conform to the white man’s way in clothes and language, but they were never given the right to vote back then. Native Americans from each area were downtrodden to the extreme. In some ways, that is still true. My daughter tells me that there is not enough Indian (Cherokee) blood in our DNA to even think about claiming to be “part” Indian. Funny. One of my cousins knew about Benjamin Greenberry, our great-great grandfather who was born on the Trail of Tears in what became Oklahoma. My husband’s great-grandmother was only half Cherokee, but Rachel Dickerson was apparently quite dark compared to the English settlers in Forrestburg, Texas. All kinds of folks have settled this country from all the different nations—Germans, Japanese, Irish, Scots, English, Spanish, French, African, and any number of other nationalities. We are all brothers and kinfolk. Cousins, if you will.


It seems that the older we get, the more we notice the inequities between those who have just grown up and those who were reared. To me, one of the greatest disasters in America is the lack of two-parent homes. It really does not matter what sex someone is if that person knows how to love a child and give it the reassurance it needs to grow up with some self-reliance and confidence. We can’t all have big houses and wonderful schools, but we can all have someone to love us if folks work at making a life together. It doesn’t matter whether we are Spanish, Irish, Indian, or just plain Duke’s mixture, God made us all in HIS image. The politicians are going to make a mess of our nation one way or the other, but we don’t have to let them make a mess of our families. We can ask for God’s help with teaching our children to love others. No matter where our family heritage originated, when it gets right down to brass tacks, God is our father. His son Jesus Christ loved us even while he was dying for us. Let us praise His name and ask, always ask, for His blessings.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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