Saturday, September 18, 2021

Still Learning.

 Still Learning.


Some of the old f__ts in this world have a bit more difficulty learning about tech stuff than the younger generation. My granddaughter tried to teach me how to use her modeling program when she had not even started school! Ahh. Little buttons and dials and assorted ideas of clicking on things! So much to ignore or learn. Often it is just easier to ignore the lessons, but eventually they are always needed. So, my children are still working with their mom in order to keep her using her telephone. Installing apps is one job that always seems to go sideways! Installed the Sam’s site on my computer, and Jenn put it on my phone. It is not quite as bad as accidentally buying two of everything, but that is what happened to Connie. She got home with $200 worth of double everything! Humongous bottles of detergent for her machine! At least she gets her kitty litter from Chewy!


It was so nice to have Jennifer here today. She helped me pick stuff up at Sam’s; she made a quick trip to Walmart; and she turned around after heading home and brought me credit card back to me! She had stopped to get gas and noticed my card in her purse. Anyway, loved having her here.


Caught a big ol’ rat in one of the traps last night. It is now in a feed sack in the trash bin. Maybe another one will be that dumb tonight. And then there is a new “water” trap in the middle coop. Lance made that one. Will check it before going to bed to be sure no hens have taken a dunking!


Will let you know what JoAnn’s husband told me this morning: Jerry is now on Hospice Care. They took out the feeding tube and assorted stuff, and now he is on morphine for pain. The doctor said the blot clots on his brain will cause a lot of pain. They plan to keep him comfortable. JoAnn got to go see him. She had to suit up like an astronaut, but she held his hand and talked to him. He held her hand and would not let go. He knew her. Now it is just a matter of time, so it is up to God. Let us pray for whatever is best for everyone concerned.


For some foul reason, the old woman who lives here is tired again. This waking up at all hours really is not conducive to a better mood. Maybe tonight the eyelids will stay shut for a change. Sigh


Should have vacuumed today after the dogs had some dog cookies. But it is just as well that it did not happen since popcorn got scattered in the living room as well. At least the dogs don’t have feathers! Never would get the stuff swept up!


Really don’t know much. Other than a few jokes and a post by Tara Ross the historian, this old girl has not even read much on FB. Deleted most of the political things just to keep from getting disgusted. Ah, the times have changed and never for the better.


Rest well and pray for our world. You are loved.

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