Thursday, September 30, 2021

Just Checking In.

 Just Checking In.


My friend Connie calls me nearly every day—or she gets a call from me. This way we both know that the other person is ok and not lying out on the floor somehow with a cat or dog keeping us company. And Patty talks to me at least once a day now—nearly every day. It makes us both feel better about being by ourselves. So today a call to Michelle Malay left me feeling that maybe it might be a good idea to have her start calling me once a day. She has some physical problems that prevent sleep quite often, so she would have to be the one doing the calling. Would not want to wake her up after she has spent an entire night unable to sleep! Anyway, left her a message, so maybe she will call me today—or at least soon.


The Chewy box came late yesterday evening to find two very happy dogs. They did not have any more treats. Discovered that they think the American Journey Oven Baked sausage, egg, and cheese flavored treats are the best in the West! They were not very expensive in a way, but the little bag only had eight ounces in it. So maybe that is pretty expensive. But a great big six-pound bag of Marrow Bones will keep them happy for a little while. They also got a couple of bags of sweet potato smart bones that look like rawhide, but are not real rawhide. Lots of good chewing without the problems associated with rawhide. So very glad that these dogs are not the least bit spoiled.


Reading a book right now about a guy who was addicted to computer hacking. He is not trying to make money on it or anything really drastic, but since he got put in prison for doing it once, he is on parole and could get in deep trouble if he is caught doing it again. The best part of the story is his huge dog named Rochester. The critter is only two years old and still more puppy than anything. But the guy takes the dog nearly everywhere. And the dog dug up a body near a lake that had been recently purchased by the school that employs the dog’s owner. Apparently, there was a previous book that included this dog and his finds—more bodies! Sounds as if the police department should hire the dog! Looking forward to more books along this line with the same characters.


Patty told me this morning that she had been out to take her dogs for their nightly wee when she saw a lantern light in Jerry’s house a few nights ago. Not sure if Jo Ann needs to know or not, but kinda think maybe she needs to know. The house really needs to be sealed up so no one can actually just go waltzing in there.


The mailman brought Patty her package and mail this morning. She told him that she was getting TWO mailboxes—one for each of us. She has decided where to put hers so that Mr. Couch can just do a turn around in her driveway to deliver the mail to her place. Mine will be right next to the road so he can drop stuff off going west toward the lake or coming back the opposite direction. Not sure which will work for him, but the box should be close enough he can just reach out his window and shove things in there. Looking forward to getting the boxes set up. Got the printed letter for the request to the post office this morning. Had to ask Jennifer to print it for me. Sent my printer to H&O because it refused to work for me. The ink for that thing was exorbitant! And it went through ink so fast that it made me feel guilty for printing anything! Oh well.


Have not cooked anything except a bowl of oatmeal early this morning. Had all kinds of good intentions, but just did not want to cook. Had popcorn for lunch. Cantaloupe will do for the last meal of the day. The dogs don’t care. Their food bowl is clean and filled with 4-Health food. They have fresh water in their gravity water bowl, too. Yep, doesn’t take much to make us happy around here.


Looking at the calendar this morning made me wonder what happened. Tomorrow begins October! How did that happen so quickly? The bird on the calendar that Michelle Malay gave me is a Black-winged stilt with chicks. It looked like a normal bird until it dawned on me that it was sitting on its legs. Yep, it looks as if it is walking on stilts when it stands up! And its beak is L O N G! God made some amazing creatures!


Other than doing one more load of laundry and putting away two other loads, this old girl has not accomplished diddly squat! Just a bit sore from mopping yesterday. Need to slow down just a wee bit probably. That is not easy for me. It seems like everything needs to be done and gotten out of the way. Right now, two pair of pants are in by my sewing machine, ready to have a couple of tucks in the waist bands. But that is for tomorrow. Not going to do anything else today except read.


Thinking about doing laundry early this morning—at 4 when the dogs said we needed to wake up. Thought about how hard it must have been for my mom to do laundry. She had one of those ringer washers out on the back porch with two “rinse” buckets that my brother had to fill and empty. She took all the wet clothes, sheets, towels, etc., all out to the line to hang out. That had to have been hard labor. Just the weight of the baskets would have been a bit much. But she never complained. Wish it were possible for me to be more like that and never moan, groan, and carry on! Sigh


Will remind you that we are still free, for the most part. Appreciate the blessings we have been given. Our freedom was never really free. Pray that we can keep that freedom.


Rest well and be happy. You are loved.

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