Thursday, September 9, 2021

Empty Traps.

 Empty Traps.


Four traps out there to catch rats, plus two bait stations, and the Dadgummed Norway rat keeps doing a tight-rope walk back across to the roof every morning. Today Sylvia saw the rat going across there and did not even bark. Guess she realized it would not do any good to gripe either. A trap now placed on the shelf on the deck and baited with a few grapes MIGHT do some good considering that those rats ate every single grape on the vine this year. We will see. At least the birds can’t get inside the trap to spring it.


Praying for rain. Lance reminded me that it is usually this terribly dry and hotter in August. The rhythm is off on our weather somewhat. Barbara Mathews reminded me recently that the Pioneer Reunion and Rodeo always gets rain, so in a couple of weekends we will probably get a downpour with mud up to the fenders of every stock trailer out there in Clay County. As long as Wichita County gets some of the rain . . . Guess it is not fair to wish for rain when it will affect their business. Know we had the kind of weather that is always expected for the big bicycle race here in Wichita Falls—hot and hotter.


Got absolutely zero done today. Tried to avoid drinking any extra caffeine, but still had one caffeinated protein shake and one cup of Café de Vita. Maybe that is the reason for feeling extra droopy today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Dr. Blackwell insisted that Connie come in for a Covid test since she was feeling so punk. The quick test revealed no covid, but they still have to wait for the longer version. Meanwhile, Connie is convinced it is a sinus infection. Hope it goes away quickly, but with the pollen count so outrageously high, it may not go away until we get some rain to settle all the crud in the air.


The wonderful okra eaten around here made regular meals seem unnecessary. Still have some put back in little plastic cups, but not sure it will be eaten by anyone other than a hen or three. Have grazed on grapes and some bacon, so that was all that was really necessary to keep hunger at bay. Oh, and cheese sticks. Both dogs and the old woman think that cheese sticks are fantastic. Will end up getting some more soon if Jennifer makes it up here in a couple of weeks. Have to share them every time a few sticks get unwrapped. My dogs are not spoiled.


Measured the drapes and figured out that the dowel rods have to be 80 inches long, the hooks at least as strong as the ones in the kitchen, and no hemming necessary if the rods can go above the current window curtains. Think that will work for both the light and temperature situations. If the heavier curtains can be pulled back, the other curtains beneath them would allow in enough light to keep from making my living room into a cave! Will have to put either a 1X4 or 2x4 up above the window frames for the curtain hooks, however. Have not used the Skill saw in ages, and can only hope it has a good blade on it still. Can’t remember if Jerry used it last or not. He is a disaster looking for a place to happen when it comes to tools.


Checked on Patty a bit ago. She said she could wait a couple of days for the mail to be brought up. Think my latest package is due here on Saturday. Not much comes in the way of actual mail unless it is a bill or something of that nature. The rest is usually junk mail. Such fun. She has been getting one bill right after the other associated with the hospital and doctors who took care of Donny for those days while he was still on life support. Know it is a bit much to take.


Read a silly book today that made me smile. One of the characters thought she was a great cook—specifically a cake baker. EVERYONE knew that to eat any of her cake was asking for a gastrointestinal disaster. But she always insisted on baking a cake for important occasions. The manner in which the other characters managed to dump her cakes or otherwise remove the evidence was pretty funny. So glad that knowledge of my limited cooking skills and certain disregard for any baking skills have never bothered me. Won’t foist any terrible food off on anyone. Once upon a time, bread baking and pie making were practiced with some distinction around here, but cake baking was definitely not among my attempts that were successful. Lewis’ sister Anne can bake a cake, make broccoli-rice casserole, and prepare any number of other dishes that anyone can enjoy. Scrambled eggs and bacon are my forte. Pretty sad.


Sylvia found it necessary to climb in my lap this morning while Thompson watched from the bed to see if she needed any advice or other help. Now this afternoon he is requesting treats and is not impressed by the ones on offer, but he hesitantly took it and lay down behind my chair to make a mess on the rug under my chair. Ah, Chewy! Why are your “bones” so terribly expensive! Sigh


Watched some of the series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries last night. She is absolutely outrageous, but funny, too. It was during the days of the Temperance League when some people demanded that others stop drinking. And no one wanted to admit that each of them actually needed “medicinal” alcohol. Oh well. Eventually it will get that way about other things—other drugs or natural stuff, but never again alcohol. That only caused a type of crime that no one wants to face again. As it is, the drugs that are illegal now are causing so much death and destruction—not to mention murder and mayhem.


Hoping tomorrow will be an interesting and productive day. Have smiled each time my grandson’s latest pet has come to mind. Atlas is a six-month-old Russian Blue who discovered his reflection yesterday. He hissed and fell out of the window trying to get away from that strange cat. It made me laugh. Certainly hope the young cat does not get bored in that room. Reece will have to get him some kind of climbing tower and other exercise equipment. Cats need stimulation at that age—like small children.


Thompson just came over and smelled the package of cinnamon roasted almonds in the bookcase. He thinks it might be some treats. They are, indeed, treats, but not for dogs. Oh well. Disappointed dogs.


Have pretty much ignored the news on AOL or even the Jerusalem Post. It simply does not do to think about all the garbage that is floating on the mainstream media—or even the social gossip. We know that nothing will really improve or be remedied until God’s plan comes to pass. All we can do is pray for those who suffer or do our best to help in the areas where we can make a difference. My personal feelings are not going to change the horrors of man’s inhumanity to man. It is best to just appreciate the blessings God has given us in each day—from loving dogs to silly hens, honking geese landing on the State grounds for acorns, ducks attempting to sneak a bite of chicken feed, and doves determined to eat their fill at the troughs in the coops. They are only concerned with their own needs. It is simpler for them, but maybe their lives show us something basic. They have His hand in their lives.


May you all find rest and reasons to enjoy life this evening. You are loved.

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