Monday, September 13, 2021

Just a Bit Tired.

 Just a Bit Tired.


It’s been one of those days. Made a trip down Kemp Street and did not find what was needed in the first store and tried another. More expensive and not exactly what was needed, but brought it home anyway. Did not go to Tractor Supply, but Jenn warned me to W A I T on her! So will wait.


The guys came to give me an estimate on redoing the messed-up windows—the windows will just STAY messed up. The $3K was a bit out of my price range—and pretty ridiculous anyway. That was just a bit unsettling. Last year they probably would have done it for a thousand. It will just remain messed up. May get some kind of flashing to put over it to prevent leaks, but otherwise, not gonna do a danged thing.


Then the Fed-Up man brought some stuff that Jennifer ordered for me. Thank you, dear, for all the good stuff! Even had sense enough to only bring in a little bit at a time rather than try to haul it all in at once. Thought happens here once in a long while. Sigh


Patty called and had me come down to take out the trash and talk a while. She was really tired, too. Think she was pretty emotional today. She had to go see her lawyer and think about some stuff that bothers her. She behaved as if a good cry might have helped. Understood. We both miss the ones that have meant so much to us today. Neither of us cried right then, but know she planned to head to her bed as soon as the door was locked behind me. So sorry that she is grieving so hard, but Donny’s death was such a shock to her. She said, “It was not supposed to be like this! I was supposed to die first!” At least everything is fixed to take care of her needs until she is gone. Donny’s son and daughter-in-law are both good to her. She told me about the memorial and that she would probably not go. Covid and crowds. Nope.


My old body is tired today and just ready to relax or at least not do anything extra. Fed and watered the hens. Will shut the doors around 7:30 or slightly later. Then the tired body will go to bed.


Dogs are happy enough tonight.  Sylvia is still taking apart a stuffed lamb that is just slightly longer than my hand. The squeaker is dead, but it still has some stuffing left—all over the couch! Then there is a wobbly wonky ball that makes really strange gargling noises. It startles me every time she moves it. Thompson does not even care. Sleepy dog. They played hard this morning while it was cool. They ran around the swing where yours truly was sitting. Thompson chased Sylvia, and then they turned around and did it the other way. Entertainment is so cheap around here!


Still reading along on the murder mystery, but have not even tried to finish it in any hurry. It’s a Southern thing, ya know. Arkansas and razorbacks! My cousin John would understand, and his wife Wham would just laugh at me.


It’s Monday and have only vacuumed one floor and washed two loads of laundry, so it is not a high energy day. Still have one load in the dryer to fold and put away. Ah well.


Cheated on lunch and had a chicken fiesta bowl—at least, think that is what it was called. Pretty good. The dogs did not appreciate not getting a taste. Such is life.


My dogs think that they have been cheated on each trip to Patty’s place. Both dogs now think that they have to get on me and get loved on. Rudy puts his paw on me and drags my hand back to himself if it stops moving on him. He reminds me of a cat. He was the one who did not trust me, but now he sees what he was missing when Roxie gets petting. Then my dogs have to run their noses all up and down my pants and over my hands to see what they missed. Isn’t it a good thing we don’t greet folks that way!

Really know less than anything worth talking about—not that that has ever stopped me before! Still, would not want to wear out all these words on uselessness. One last comment: folks who hack accounts should be hung out to dry over an alligator pit!!


Connie believes our prayers have helped her feel better. At least she is less congested. The pollen count and air pollution are terrible right now, so if anyone is sneezing or coughing, the ragweed and milkweed can confess their complicity in ruining the quality of our air! Pray for rain!


Let us pray for peace, even now before we lie down at last. Let us be grateful for all His blessings. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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