Sunday, September 26, 2021




Got busy and did not post last night. Keith Mattson is posting enough for both of us right now. His pictures are entertaining and reminders of God’s gifts of beauty and calmness. His attitude is also peaceful. He reminds me somewhat of his dad, Lloyd Mattson. Guess it stands to reason.


My son and granddaughter went hiking this morning for nearly three miles. The video of one of the pictures included the sounds of the birds—especially crow caws. Told him that outside nearly always makes me feel happy. Spent some time cleaning out in the hen houses and cleaning out the dog pool yesterday, so my time was spent “doing” as well as being outside. As long as the chickens are around, my activity levels will probably keep me from getting too lazy—at least for outside stuff. Inside cleaning is another situation altogether.


Lance said that until it was mentioned, he did not realize there were sounds in his pictures that he sent. Listening. A skill that we all need to cultivate. Suspect that if Keith were taking videos of the places around the lakes where he shoots pictures, we would all be enjoying the sounds of nature.


My forgetfulness makes me feel as if age is catching up with my mind. Obviously, the body has already reached that stage some time ago! But forgetting to post has reminded me that my schedule needs to be adjusted. Nothing is ever quite the same around here. Each day is a new “adventure.” Yesterday was laundry, laundry, and more of the same. Still have not managed to fold and put away all the blankets and other stuff that got washed yesterday. When changing the sheets is not quite enough, the dog blankets also have to be washed. The same kind of situation occurs in the hen house. Put out diatomaceous earth yesterday on the shelf where the Black-laced Wyandottes normally roost. They did not appreciate that inclusion whatsoever! They took up residence on the opposite side of the coop, thank you very much. That does not bother me, but by the time my part of the work was done, the body was ready to lie down and just rest. Guess that included my mind as well since nothing else got done—including a post.


Lance let me know that he would be here toward the end of October to do whatever was on my list. Have two hoses that need to be changed around. Donny put them on the faucets for me with the typical “manly” twist of strength. That means that it will take more grip than what this old woman has to remove and change them around. Such fun. Lance asked me if a new hose would work out back. It would, of course, but hate to purchase anything like that when winter will mean removing all the hoses anyway. Yes, it is not like that will happen anytime soon, but still.


Just shook my head at Thompson. He knew what it meant. He stopped licking his leg. Poor old fellow. But he is such a good, sweet and obedient dog. Sylvia is sweet, but obedience is non existent in her little noggin.


Have to go out to the coops and clean one more section. John Rhoads is going to bring some fresh coastal hay sometime today. Want to have the long coop cleaned and the front coop ready for clean hay. Not sure it will make any difference to the hens, but it seems that they only want to lay in one nest now. Go figure. Will spread diatomaceous earth along the shelf and see if that dissuades any mouse activity. Not sure it will make any difference, but nothing like trying.


It seems to me that my grandparents never had to worry about mice and rats in the hen house. Well, that is not totally true. Granddad Kennedy had a feed house before the chicken companies started putting feed in those big bins above the houses. Sterling had my help—and Satchmo’s help—to take all the feed sacks out of the feed house one day. Satchmo would snap and kill every rat he could find—and there were dozens! That dog was a rat killing machine! When we were through, we looked around for the rats. Nary a rat to be found! We decided that Satch had just swallowed them! Bleah! Could not imagine! Burned the sacks and waited for Satchmo to be sick, but he never was ill around us at least. He was a Catahoula that was trained—by Granddad—to protect my grandmother. He would go all over the farm with the field hands who came to check on the chickens for the company that brought Granddad chickens, but if they went up on the porch of the house, he would put them in their trucks! Pretty soon everyone knew not to go near “his” house. Such a dog!


Still tired this morning, but have things to do, so will get out there and get them done before taking another break. Will have another load of laundry to do by the time the coop is cleaned. Never fails that a shower and clean clothes go with cleaning out there! Still am thinking that cooler weather will allow the workshop to be cleaned out in the near future. THAT is going to be a major job! Cleaning the coops will be fun compared to cleaning that shop! May discover things that haven’t been seen in ages!


Need to sit down and write a letter for JoAnn. She needs to see the words that will mean something to her now and later. Jerry meant a lot to me despite his problems. We all know someone who has good and bad within their character. Think that pretty much includes all of us, to tell the truth. My children would certainly appreciate it if their mother did not have political opinions! One of them thinks that she has totally gone off the rails for common sense, but such is life.


May you all enjoy the beauty of each day and find reasons to be grateful for life itself. God’s blessings include our awareness of His creation. Rest and be happy. You are loved.

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