Saturday, September 11, 2021

Being Still.

 Being Still.


Mother used to say that if yours truly was still, it was either sleep or illness that got me that way. Well, today it is neither sleep nor illness. Some days are just meant to be quiet and still. The dogs seem to be happy, the hens laid more eggs than usual, and it has not been so terribly hot today.


This morning the second curtain set came down off the east window. The hardware was removed and the new hardware installed. NOT an easy task. Anyway, the drape is on the window, but the hardware should have been just a smidgen higher on the facing of the window because this drape touches the floor. Sigh Maybe later it will get removed and raised a bit, but not right now.


Looking at the way the window comes out from the wall was just infuriating. That idiot carpenter totally messed it up. So, on Monday a call will be made to see if a decent contractor can come and reinstall both windows the way they should have been done. Patty gave me the name of a good construction company, so let’s hope that they can get to this little job soon. It would be so nice not to be concerned about a leaking window or window frame. Anyway, it can’t possibly cost any more than it did the time the two doolollies came and messed up the entire wall.


Lance sent me a picture of the rat trap that he is making. It involves two buckets that are deep enough to drown a rat and a lid to prevent their release. Looking forward to trying this one. This morning it dawned on me while standing on the deck that the trap placed on the shelf out there was absent. Got out the flashlight and looked around and found it under the deck in a nandinas bush. It had been set off, but no rat was in its teeth. Rebaited it with peanut butter, so maybe it will be more effective next time. Of course, putting it back on the shelf may warn off the rat that set it off the first time. Oh well.


Got tickled just a bit this morning. JoAnn sent me a picture of her grandson in his Navy uniform. Her comment: “a picture of the little boy who used to come over and wake you and Lewis up every morning.” He really was a cute little kid, but invariably he would wake us up at sunup or almost before. His parents had no idea where that child was. He just wanted someone to keep him company. Lewis used to give gasoline to his uncle who was just a few years older than him. He had obtained a go cart from somewhere and learned to make it run. But no one ever bought him gasoline. So, he would find some change and bring it to Lewis for gasoline. Of course, Lewis never took his money. He remembered what it was like to be a little boy. Good memories.


Microwaved the last package of leftovers today, so tomorrow will have to include packages of veggies and maybe some tuna salad. Have a roast to cook, but not really in the mood for that. Isn’t it strange how picky we can be when we have choices!


Tried not to read too many articles on FB or AOL or the Jerusalem Post today. So many reminders of the horrors of this day 20 years ago. And now looking at what it going on around us, it is difficult not to feel betrayed. It is hard to take a deep breath and not think about those who were determined to prevent more casualties. Those individuals on Flight 93 had the determination and gumption to bring that plane down rather than to let it become a guided missile. May God renew that spirit of patriotism, determination, and self-sacrifice to save others from the terrors around us. Let us pray for those who have been kidnapped and forced into slavery. Let us pray for the service members who try to protect us. And let us each do our best to be kind to others—with wisdom for self-protection.


May you all rest well this night and remain safe from all disease and disasters. You are loved.

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