Sunday, September 12, 2021

 Rat Patrol Again.

Rat Patrol.


Thompson is a good ratter! A moved piece of wood uncovered a mother rat and six little ones. Thompson took her while he left the babies to be killed another way. Bleah. Then Sylvia indicated something on top of the coop. Looking up in the apricot trees revealed a network of rats and mice swinging from one tree to the other and on beyond to the elm tree hanging near the tops of the apricots. For pity’s sake! Two rat traps are now on top of the coop for tonight’s foray into the rat patrol. Tomorrow a couple of old -fashioned spring traps will be purchased and nailed to the trees or to an adjoining section of the fence. Peanut butter will probably do as bait, but we will see.


It has been another goof off day today. Nothing really has induced me to get busy. Was planning on cooking turnips, but that did not work out well. So tuna fish it was! The dogs appreciated the water out of the cans poured onto their dog food. Neither one was all that enthused about the yogurt offered to them, however. Go figure. Maybe they are feeling as picky as yours truly. It makes me wonder if anyone else gets this way. Nothing is really all that appealing. Oh well.


Maybe tomorrow will be a good day for reading or something. The book currently in my Kindle and partially read worries me because the main character has been falsely accused of murder with no other suspects in sight. That can happen, of course. But the only person who could possibly have any evidence proving her innocence is a teenage boy who took a video of a river—and got tired of messing with the job. That sounds about right for most teenagers, but especially one who resented being told to do “everything” his father demanded. Guess the book needs to be finished to get the best results.


Waking up at 4:30 every morning or so is part of the reason for an attitude on some people—this old body, at least. Maybe those who read this blog will forgive my attitude for the time being. Let’s just say that being thankful for the beautiful day today was about as comfortable as a gripey person could get. One hen on my lap to tell me about her thinking made an interesting little note for pleasure, but watching the dogs play was just as good. Tonight, my attitude includes gratitude for small and large blessings. May all of you have such goodness to enjoy.


Rest and be happy. You are loved.


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