Sunday, June 13, 2021

Snacking and Nibbling.

 So among the things that Jennifer brought back from Sam's were the following: flavored popcorn, drinks of assorted types and flavors, little pudding cups, little cups of chicken salad, beef jerky, cheese sticks, naan bread, apricots, and raspberries. So, if the old woman can't stay pretty well fed on all that junk and stuff, she is in really bad shape! Recently bought a sack of Jolly Rancher goodies, too. Sharing them with the boys when they come over.

Finished reading--for the second time--Fahrenheit 451. Will tell you right now that it was not nearly as depressing as Nineteen Eighty-four! But then was reading something on FB about someone trying to explain to kids about the different types of governments. Seems Ann Landers set up a list that makes it easier to understand: SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbor. COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows. Give both to the government, and they MAY give you some milk. FASCISM: You have 2 cows. You give all of the milk to the government, and the government sells it. NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The government takes both cows and shoots you. ANARCHISM: You have 2 cows. Keep both cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow. CAPITALISM: You have 2 cows. Sell one and buy a bull.

So this morning was so very pleasant. The cloud cover and breeze made it worth sitting outside and enjoying the serenade of the birds. Then had to go pluck the two broody hens out of the nests again and put them in hen jail. Shaking my head here. Oh well. Let them out earlier and one made a beeline to the nesting area. The other went for water and feed even though they had both in the "jail house" area. The one that is on the nest now is the one who spreads her wings and squawks loudly when touched. Definitely has an attitude! Despite the pretty eggs, think the Marans would be the first to go if the hens had to leave home. The black ones are much prettier and sweeter, but the Cuckoos have a definite opinion about just anything different. Kinda think it is not so hard to understand where they got the Cuckoo part of their names!

Isa came and sat on the yard swing with me last night. She is such a very sweet little hen. Rhoady is also sweet, but she is not particularly fond of being touched. And Athena will only put up with being touched if she is busy laying an egg. Otherwise, just leave her the heck alone, thank you very much! And Athena only lays about one egg a week now. She is the oldest of all the hens and the smallest. Her egg is white, so it is easy to tell when she lays an egg.

Stood out by the sunflower circle and looked around inside and up at the flowers. They are so very pretty. Some are much larger and more red than the others. Then, too, some of the squash has decided to climb the sunflower stalks. Kinda neat. Also have about five or six stalks of sweet corn growing up inside the circle. Those have the pollen stalks coming out from the top, so hoping that means they will eventually have a couple of ears of corn on each stalk. PLUS, a couple of the squash plants might accidentally have the beginning of a squash on the vine!

Brenda Jones has some pictures of sheep posted on her timeline. When asked about them, she said that they were "hair sheep." They don't have to be sheared! Amazing. Old as she is, the old woman learns something every day! Had heard of Moulin sheep. Knew that they were a bit like goats and did not have to be sheared. But my grandparents always counted on the wool to pay for the year's feed for the sheep. The lambs were extra money beyond the cost of the feed. Granddad said that losing a ewe or lamb was not nearly as much of a loss as losing a cow or calf. Yep, understand that situation. Even so, don't think they ever lost a ewe or lamb during all those years they had sheep. However, the Mexican shearers did not show up to the farm one year, and my daddy had to learn to shear that year. Then he ended up teaching the kids who were in the 4-H and FFA programs through the school. But he was good like that to help others.

Jennifer looked up the price that was being asked for the lot down at the end of the street. Can't believe it! They want $10K for that silly lot. Maybe it is just as well. Maybe it won't sell. If they will just keep it mowed, that would be nice. As it is, now that JoAnn has the lot across the street almost cleaned up, it will look much nicer in this area. Just hope that they can keep it mowed, too.

Looked at the vines on the deck and felt of the green grapes. They are still pretty small and just as green as gourds, but at least the hens won't be able to eat them all this year since some are up above the shelf area. Those vines have certainly shaded that entire corner of the deck, too. Lots of good reasons to have grape vines!

Had three or four loads of laundry to do just from the covers kept on the couch to prevent the dogs from ruining it. Put some spray down on the couch itself before putting fresh covers on it. Hoping that this helps to keep whatever is causing the itches to stop bothering Thompson. Sent off for some high-falutin' dog food that is freeze dried organ meat. Next time will just order beef liver from Bill Brown Beef. Bet that is just as good as the freeze dried kind and considerably cheaper! Apparently, most dog foods include grains that dogs are not supposed to eat. Have been careful for some time now about avoiding the meat and bone by-products. Happen to know that means chicken guts that include the feces. Bleah! But according to the website, it also includes meat that has come from dead or diseased animals. So, if the old woman would not eat it, the dogs are not going to get any of it. 

It is clouding up somewhat in the southwest. Don't mind even a tiny bit! Anything that cools us off is more than welcome. However, Leta Talley said that they had some high winds down on Lake Nocona earlier. She said it really roared just like the winds from a tornado sounds. Spooky.

And now these two dogs have decided to act like a couple of clowns. They are so funny sometimes. Thompson thinks that he is supposed to "protect" Sylvia, but it is not unusual for her to walk under him and lift him off the floor. She thinks it is funny. 

Sitting here nibbling on an apricot and wishing that Lewis had been able to enjoy these things. They are not as tart as the ones we grew on our trees, but they are huge in comparison. It would take only a few of these to make an apricot cobbler! They are probably some kind of special breed of fruit. Everything has changed over the years compared to what we knew back in the day. It is amazing to see the differences now. The corn is totally different--even the sweet corn is different. The field corn is not made to be eaten on the cob, but it is one of those GMO things now. Some scientists say that it yields more and therefore can feed more people or livestock. Not too sure if the results are all that healthy, but what does an old woman know?

Finished reading the last copy of the Portals of Prayer that my friend Janis had saved up for me. They did not exactly have a lot of depth in the articles, but sometimes something in there would remind me of something else along the same lines. Now have started reading another book about what is really in the Bible. Have read that book--the Bible--several times through, but there is always--ALWAYS--something else to consider. Years ago a book called The Tell included some information about Job. It amazed me to recognize some of the things from other works that had been written about Job. And then, too, one literary work called J.B. was one of the things assigned in one of my college classes. One of the other students came to me and asked me to explain who Job was. It just amazed me that this young man had never read the book of Job. Now it is rare that college students have the background to understand the basis of things like J.B. Most of them don't even know what Exodus--the Bible book or the movie--have as their background. Our nation is increasingly becoming more ignorant. And we haven't even bothered to burn the books!

Guess it would be a good evening to spray on bug spray and go sit in the yard swing. May you each find pleasure in the great outdoors and the nature that God has used to show us His love. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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