Friday, June 25, 2021

Happy Surprises!


Happy Surprises!


When Lewis’ younger cousin got something he did not expect, he called it a happy surprise. Well, that is what has occurred around here today: happy surprises. First, moving all the laying nests to the other coop stopped the broody hens from their stance. No more broodiness to be seen! Then Michelle Malay brought her sister Cindy for a short visit today. Totally enjoyed it even if the visit was short. Cindy lives in Juneau, Alaska, and is a special ed teacher, about to get her doctorate in that area of study with something to do with psychology. She seems like a very sensible person, which makes life more interesting for everyone around. Too many people think that a degree means that a person is special. Nope, not really. Compassion and kindness are what make folks special. If you don’t think so, you just haven’t met Michelle. Then the next thing on my list of happy surprises: nine eggs today! Amazing! Thought the hens were getting ready to fold up their tents and camp out under the deck for the rest of this summer heat! But they have surprised me. Maybe it will be just a bit cooler for the next few days.


We need to be praying for the folks in the Pacific Northwest! It is supposed to be 115 degrees up there. Those folks don’t have AC like we do down here in Texas. Fans, maybe, but not the refrigerated units that keep a person from dying in extremes of heat! Even a cool towel around one’s head and neck probably would not do the trick up there. And think how the animals are going to be dying if they can’t get to water. God bless them one and all.


If heat doesn’t get a person, other situations certainly can. Down in the area near Miami, that big building that collapsed has upped its count of dying folks. Not sure that the rest of the missing have even been found. Sad, just sad. The numbers vary, depending on the source, but so far, they have confirmed four deaths and about 159 missing. A twelve-story building that seems to be sinking is definitely a scary situation. Eventually, they will find someone to blame. That, too, is sad. When mankind builds on shaky ground and over an area that has salt marshes around and under it, why, what do they expect? We have tornadoes, droughts, wild fires, and really bad freezes and wind storms, but most of the time the land does not tend to create sinkholes here in this part of Texas.  Florida is famous for shifting earth and sink holes! Guess maybe the Hill Country and its limestone that breaks off into caverns is comparable to the sinking grounds in Florida, but very few folks would build a 12-story building on that kind of ground. Meanwhile, think about the families who have no idea where their grandparents and parents are! God bless them.


Have no idea if it will work or not, but have given the dogs something called “Aller-Eze” with some beef flavored drippings and then some yogurt with a powder in it that is supposed to help them deal with heat and allergies. Honestly don’t know what to expect, but anything has to be better than having my critters itch. Gave them baths yesterday and used some stuff afterwards that is supposed to kill fleas, ticks, lice, and mites. Then gave Thompson a Benadryl. Poor baby. Know exactly how he feels!


Have been reading a book given to Hanan by John Rhoads called Notes and Quotes. It is uplifting and filled with wisdom from various people over the ages—and one of them is John himself. He was very kind to my youngest son. They hit it off for some reason. And for some reason, uplifting is what is needed very much today.


Hoping that three boys who went fishing down near Corpus Christi have had a great time and are headed back home. Know their parents miss them when they are not around. Kids make life much more interesting.


Have a couple of pieces of material here on my desk waiting for me to go find a needle and thread to hem the edges. This is a planned “patch” to sew on the backside of one of the panels of Mother’s “Flower Garden” that she crocheted back years ago. Finally had to just guess at the years, so am going to say 2000 to 2005. Know that the man who gave her the thread died in 2008, so it had to be some years before that. He was always coming up with neat stuff and bringing it to Mom and Dad. Of course, Ralph, or “Boomer” as Dad called him, always wanted something back in one way or the other. Think he got some pretty good deals along the way. If nothing else, Mom fed him. Don’t think his wife liked to cook and never did unless she just had to. Can’t imagine!


Just looked at the weather forecast for this next week. Hallelujah! From Sunday to Sunday, we won’t be having anything like the 90-degree stuff. And that means we can breathe and maybe even go outside to fight off the skeeters! Have plenty of OFF at my disposal, however. Will even spray the dogs! Decent weather is a big blessing in my book. Heat just about does me in. Well, deep cold doesn’t exactly make my day either. Oh well.


Honestly don’t know much. Jennifer and Gary are on their way back home today. Have been praying for their safety and hoping that they do not have any more crazy stuff to run over in the middle of the road. As it is, they were nearly an hour just getting through one area of high traffic. SO glad not to live anywhere like that!


Let’s appreciate all our blessings and hold out our hands to those we can help—or at least pray for those we can’t reach. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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