Monday, June 28, 2021




So, some needles and thread showed up—not the ones being sought out, but some that would work. Still shaking my head and trying to remember what little corner the embroidery needles and thread got into. Oh, it is not important, but it reminds me emphatically that organization is definitely not my forte. Doesn’t matter. No one is going to suffer for my lack of memory or organization. Life does go on despite silly things like that.


Last night must have just been a good night for sleeping. Did not wake up until 6:30 this morning! The hens were definitely ready to get out in the yard. Thompson let me know he was ready to go outside as well. Think Sylvia could sleep all day and all night and never stir. Would just love to be able to go to sleep and stay that way all night. Oh well. The thunder and rain this afternoon would have been perfect for a good snuggle and snooze, but it is too early to put the hens up. They don’t usually go up until nearly nine now. The longer daylight is perfect for them. Early to bed, early to rise—supposedly keeps a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Yep. That is the rhyme, at any rate. Early mornings really are great times for prayers when the world is still partially asleep and quiet. But then, late evenings are pretty good as well except for the freaking mosquitoes!


Pulled the garlic pods out of the ground today. Have them lying on the bench on the front porch. Will have to take the machete to the stalks to separate them from the bulbs. Then the bulbs will have to be placed in a basket to hang out in the coop to dry. Enjoy garlic pretty much in most beef dishes, so having fresh garlic is pretty nice. Have plenty of the garlic powder and dry minced garlic, but fresh is special!


JoAnn came over today and brought me some little tomatoes out of their garden. Pretty good flavor! There is nothing like fresh, homegrown tomatoes. Well, actually, that description fits cucumbers, squash, black-eyed peas and just about any other veggie. Wish it were possible to grow a “garden” in the front flower bed, but it would not be as pretty as flowers for sure. Besides, the zinnias, petunias, poppies, and bachelor buttons pretty well take that little plot. Not that it is a bad thing. Some day will figure out how to make raised beds along the front of the house just for veggies. Maybe. It would be even more work, no doubt.


Sharon Dickerson sent a message from her niece saying that she will not have to have any more cobalt or chemo. At least that is my understanding of the message. At any rate, it means she won’t have to be at the hospital at dark thirty just for treatments. She is still working despite having to go through this mess. Some people just amaze me! It makes me feel like a whiney butt compared to their situations. Even talking to Vickie yesterday and listening to her explanations of her RA treatments made me feel like a wuss compared to her. We just need to pray for those who are dealing with these diseases.


This is one of those “dumb as a rock” days when nothing really has made a big impression on me compared to what is going on in the world. Still trying to stay away from any “news” or discussions of what is going on in the world. History is enough to boggle my mind. Really don’t want to see it repeated now. 


Will tell you that thankfulness is one of the greatest gifts we have in our lives. SO much is wonderful and precious. We know the Giver. We can always express appreciation in both small and larger ways. Prayer is first, but surely not the only way of saying thank you. Let’s show others what joy looks like by being kind to them. Meanwhile, be sure you know: you are loved.

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