Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

So today a blank Word document is open so that whatever is written won’t be lost suddenly. Word is very neat in that it saves automatically whatever is being typed in. Blogger apparently does not do that. Total frustration is not likely in either case, but it is a bit perturbing to lose something after sitting down to think about the day and whatever in it happens to be worth sharing with others.

This morning an MRI in a closed tube was not one of my favorite experiences, but since my head was not totally enclosed, claustrophobia was not the result. And the nice attendant was very helpful with everything. He got me situated and had me listening to old 60s songs on a satellite station. Some of the songs were just as silly now as they were back then. Oh well. Think 70s and 80s music was considerably better, but that doesn’t matter much any longer. Not being able to actually distinguish the words makes instrumental music much more appealing to me. Realize now why my daddy was frustrated by trying to listen to music. At some point, it just becomes noise.

Just got back a bit ago from getting a massage at Spa Bella. Dava does such a good job. The only problem was that the lady at the desk said that they can’t put a tip on a credit card. It has to be either cash or check. Will see Dava again, however, so am pretty sure she will have groceries in her house before she goes bankrupt. Ahem While she was working, we could hear the birds outside—first a wren and then a cardinal. At first, she did not hear them, but then she actually listened. Think most people don’t really listen to things around them. My hens and my dogs talk to me, so listening has become a habit.

The mockingbird babies got mites and died. SO sad for the mother bird and her babies. Sprayed the entire area with Home Defense spray for bugs and then with Off to prevent reoccurrence. Clipped back the grape vine and rose bush and dumped the flower pots of any dirt or other stuff. Will get some more diatomaceous earth and put around the outside of the deck and on the surface of the flooring to be swept in so that anything under the deck will be covered. Despise bugs, but especially the kind that bite.

JoAnn and her husband have been over across the street trying to begin the cleaning process. She came over and told me that she gave away the fencing and not to worry about people being over there taking it down. When asked about when Jerry might be coming home, she said it was up in the air—assuming it is going to be more than a lot longer. The guy would be right back in trouble if he were out now, so maybe he is better off with three meals and a bed where he is.

The weather is about to get hotter than a two-dollar pistol, but then, it is Texas and it is June. This morning the humidity was a bit much, but you can bet it will get much dryer and much hotter before long. After all, this is not East Texas.

Shelby brought meat in a great big box yesterday with Jennifer’s order from Bill Brown Beef. That was one HEAVY box. Next time one of the kids order, will ask Shelby to put the order in two smaller boxes so it won’t be so hard to put down in the deep freeze. That much beef would last forever around here, but it won’t last all that long at Jennifer and Gary’s house.

Got a happy surprise from Wendy S. yesterday, also. She brought me some homemade tamales! WOW! They were so very good. Had two for breakfast this morning and one had an olive in it. She said that some had tomatillos in them as well. Have never tried that before, but am betting that it will be good.

When you have time, please say a prayer for Wendy. She is trying to overcome the results of a really bad allergy reaction to some antibiotics. And that is just part of the problem since she is having to take some heavy-duty steroids. Remember trying to sleep the last time steroids were used around here. Wow! Talk about wired! We may all have different reactions to medications, and sometimes steroids make us feel so much better, but they also can cause everything from grouchiness to a major case of food bombing—irreconcilable desires to nibble!

It’s not like it is impossible to get any exercise or to restrain one’s self from eating foods that are high in carbs and sugar, but yours truly has eaten stuff this year that is totally not in the normal range of meals. Nibbles are just as fattening as any feed yard silage! And going to the grocery store is an exercise in futility for avoiding calories, too! Wanted to get grapes, pecans, and celery to put in chicken salad for lunch tomorrow with Anne (sister-in-law) and her friend Beverly, and somehow managed to come out of there with nearly $90 worth of stuff that included two small cartons of ice cream! Honestly! Oh well.

The boys are supposed to be here tomorrow with their writing assignment, but am also hoping that they were able to come up with the book we are to be reading: Fahrenheit 451. Yes, it is on my desk and started, but have not really got very far today. We will see if it will be closer to being finished by the time they get here. Read it years ago, but let’s face it—memory. Oh well.

Was thinking about whether or not to have the grass cut this week. But then the forecast was for such heat that it might fry it. May wait and talk to Donny about whether or not to cut it since he knows about that sort of thing. The sun hits the grass and burns off the dew in a big hurry. If it is too short, the heat will burn the roots.

Mentioned to JoAnn this morning that we seem to have a bumper crop of rabbits around here, and she said the same is true out at their place on Lake Arrowhead. She did say, however, that rabbits are definitely preferable to RATS!! Saw one in my nesting coop yesterday. Wondering about putting down a sticky trap, but am thinking that a hen might get into it. Argh! Hanan used to put the traps on the back fence, but then the birds would get into it. Always something.

Don’t have a lot of anything on my mind except for what needs to be done around here—the same in just about everyone’s home. Just thankful that the mornings are still cool, and the critters are still singing or clucking or barking. God blesses us with nature’s songs. We just have to enjoy the music.

Rest well, my friends, and look forward to another day. You are loved.



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