Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Funny Bunny!

 So a rather large wabbit was stretched out on the side of the road next to my yard. Thompson had a hissy fit upon noticing it. Got out my handy-dandy slingshot to shoot off a couple of marbles at it. Ya know, it is not easy to aim down and actually hit anything with that thing. Hit the back wooden fence in Jerry yard. Oooppps. Oh well. Nothing hurt. Not even a scared wabbit. Eventually a little practice would not hurt if anything is ever going to get clobbered with a marble. May need to set up a target out in the east side lot and then see how many marbles it takes to get some accuracy. And before you ask, yes, the old woman still has her marbles--though there may be a hole in the sock where she keeps them. The ones that don't matter are the ones we used to use for the Chinese checker game or something like that. It has been too long to remember even how it was played.

The neighbors' dog got out again around three this morning, so Mark--dog's owner--was over on Fenoglio in his truck shouting for his dog. Thompson was not a happy camper--well, neither was the sleepy ol' woman here on Dickerson Hill. Dadgumit! Those folks should know how to keep a dog in by now. But ONE of us went back to sleep until nearly five, so there's that. Got up and let the hens out. Broody did not get to go out until a little later, and guess what! She stayed in the yard and did not return to the nest! Guess it just took the right cage and no nesting material. She and another Copper Maran had words shortly after that, so maybe she is reestablishing herself in the pecking order. Birds are strange. But it is interesting to watch them.

Went to Market Street this morning and picked up a few things. Wanted a couple of good apples and discovered that they were mighty proud of their apples--$.97 a pound!!! So two apples cost a total of $1.20. That is almost as bad as the two bananas that were purchased recently at Walmart. Where the heck do these prices come from? It was fifty cents apiece for a couple of ears of green corn, too. If the local farmers' market was selling this stuff, would go down there, but most of the stuff comes from Mexico anyway. Once in a while the local stuff is obviously grown here.

Ate my one beautiful heirloom tomato this morning. It was a chocolate color and so very sweet. Hope the plant continues to live and bear fruit. Home grown tomatoes just can't be beat! 

Have a beautiful reddish orange sunflower blooming. It is amazing to me that sunflowers come in all kinds of colors. They were yellow all of my life, but now they are in various colors. Hybrids maybe?

My sister-by-another mother said that Sharron Dickerson was to be admitted to Hospice--hopefully in Wilbarger. They were not sure she would make it there. Please pray for her family. These things are just tough on everyone.

Just stepped outside to shoo off another freaking wabbit. Picked up a piece of mint on the way back inside. At least that was something happy for me even if the dogs were not happy. Not sure just what they expect of me, but bringing a critter like that inside the house is NEVER going to happen. Thompson has brought in a few, but it definitely was not my idea of a good thing to do. 

Got a text message from Jennifer today asking about what the condition was called that caused me to have to have the first eye surgery. Like that was going to be easy to recall! Hole in the retina was the only thing that came to mind. Then it bothered me and had to ask her why. Seems number one of my children was answering questions for an eye doctor. Had to tell him that Paw Paw Leland had the same thing--but without treatment. Don't think Daddy even had cataract surgeries, but Mom did. Dad's eyes were burned so badly when he was a welder, but don't know if that made any difference or not. Welding is definitely the reason he had lung cancer. So many of the chemicals and garbage that farmers, mechanics, and other workers have been exposed to have caused illnesses. At least four men from where Lewis worked died of cancer. Can't tell me that stuff was safe--especially when they practically had to wallow in it. And then there are the pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides that the farmers use. Even if they are "protected" inside a closed cab tractor, the stuff is in the air and water around them. Well, for that matter, look what kind of stuff is in our lakes and in the ground water that seeps into the water tables. Ah, guess a different thought would keep our attitudes on a better keel. sigh

Just cleaned the windows so Thompson could see out of them. He prints his nose on there each day. Silly dog. But it does not take much to make him happy. We should all be so easily entertained!

Have to set up a Zoom meeting for tomorrow, so let's hope the old woman can do it right. Have to open an email to one of the boys and then send them the link to the meeting. Such fun to learn all this stuff at my age. But then, my parents were older than this when they first learned to use computers! And they were on dial up on AOL!! Daddy was so happy to learn to use the Internet. It kept him well entertained. Mom just liked the games--especially Free Cell. Daddy even learned to use the laptop we got him, but Mom found it frustrating and just threw hers. That is when Daddy decided it was simpler to just sit around and talk to some of the other men when Mom was doing something else. That had to have been hard on him, but we could not change things--and especially her attitude. Such is life.

Thinking about my parents and how interested Daddy was in what was going on in the world makes me realize that he would have been totally frustrated with the nature of things in this nation, and in this world, today. He was a kind guy and would do just about anything to help someone out, but he had standards. What we see in the world today shows so very many who either never knew about standards or who refuse to live by any rules of kindness. Maybe leaving this world when he did was for the best. Eighty-five is pretty young compared to some of these folks who have hit a hundred and keep right on going, but maybe they are healthy enough to be able to ignore the problems around them. Mental health matters at any age.

Just realized that quite a bit of my daily exercise is getting up and down to let the dogs in or out. Who knew that animals were part of our physical fitness in this nation!

May God give us the mental and physical health to be kind to others and make our little corners of the world a bit brighter and happier. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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