Tuesday, June 14, 2022




Don’t remember the last time a pbj was a meal around here, but this evening, it just felt like a pbj was going to satisfy that tiny bit of hunger and need for chewing. When the children were little, we had PBJ snacks before their daddy ever got headed home. Peanut butter was never really one of my favorite foods, but it is filling, so that was a plus. Sometimes the children were not terrifically happy with what was put on the table, but if they had a pbj before Lewis got home, it was not too much of a concern that they would wake up starving in the night. That worked until they got older and had a tendency to raid the kitchen when their mom was doing something else. Jennifer learned to invent foods—a pizza made from ketchup and some toasted bread with cheese slices. Grandmother Pollard gave us a great big ol’ hunk of commodity cheese that the kids loved. Can’t imagine one little ol’ widow woman eating that entire block of cheese! But it was mighty tasty.


Bought a package of sale steak at Market Street that couldn’t be made tender even with plenty of pounding with a meat hammer. Finally cooked it slowly and sliced it up into small bits. Mixed with French style green beans, mushroom soup, and rice, if fed me and the dogs. Probably should stick with hamburger or chicken.


The hens are out sitting on their nests this evening. No eggs all day, so maybe the wind and the heat have been a bit much for them. The atmosphere is thick with something out there. The sky is hazy off to the west, but the pollen count was only 6.5 this morning. Not much telling what that haze is unless another fire has sprung up. Hope not. Our firefighters had to go out to Lake Arrowhead the other day, and it took several of the volunteer units from three or four counties to get it under control. Wish my personal finances were such that a donation could make a difference. But just the tires on those trucks are terribly expensive.


Have thought about turning on the TV this afternoon. It has not been on since Jennifer left in March. But a good book is currently on my Kindle, so will finish that first. Silly books make me laugh, and it is harder for me to find things on the shows that are funny. Need to look up Airplane or something of that nature. Pretty sure that Blazing Saddles is not going to be available. Lewis would have known how to find such as that.


The laundry is done but not put away just yet, but tomorrow will call for at least dust mopping of the floors. Connie thinks her two cats really make her apartment hairy, but she has no idea what two dogs can do—fur and dirty dog prints. And it would make me want to live in a bubble if hairy dogs like Jennifer’s Huskies lived with me! Those critters have a tendency to explode with fur!


Jenn had to stay at home and watch for the plumber today. That means she will be slightly behind on her work if she gets to go in tomorrow. It takes a lot of concentration to keep up with her schedule. The old woman could never do what she does. Teaching was simple compared to dealing with customers and accounts.


Flag day! A Texas flag is over there in the bookcase, but no staff is mounted anywhere on the porch. Maybe one of these days. Looking out the window toward the hospital, it’s easy to see their flag. It seems to be a half mast but uncertain why unless it was not put up correctly. Ah, Siri says it is in remembrance of the one million American lives lost to Covid-19. Sad. But at least President Biden acknowledges their loss.


Have not heard any further news about Reece’s friend Wyatt who was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. The way it is with horses and motorcycles—it’s not a matter of if, but when one will get hurt. We can’t control the traffic that pulls in front of us as if they are the only ones on the road. Shaking my head. Have to just pray for those who are trying to save money by riding bikes or cycles of some type or other. And those who enjoy the exercise or the wind in their face.


With this heat, we are going to need rain soon. The wind dries everything out almost as soon as any water is put on the plants. Poured a bowl of water on my Hollyhocks this morning. They are not drooping quite as much, but they still look sad. Maybe not having to mow as often is worth it, but it bothers me to see all the flowers drooping and the trees just turning their leaves up in curls.


Sterling is doing well after his surgery. Called to check on him and his wife Jacqui said he was out mowing. At least he has not taken up jumping on a trampoline. When he sees the doctor tomorrow, he may get an ear full, but he can handle it.


Will just say that it is great to be alive and have the ability to watch the wind blow from a nice, calm place. Between the dogs and the hens, something always needs doing around here, but that ensures enough exercise to keep me out of so much trouble. Each day telling God thank you for life reminds me that not everyone gets to be as old and mean as some of us are. We have to remember those who mourn, those who are suffering, and those who are in various types of danger. May God give this world peace.


Rest well and be happy to have the chance to love others. YOU are loved.

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