Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Dusting Rain.

 Dusting Rain.


We got a front through here today that about blew off the deck—well, maybe not quite that bad, but really surprisingly blustery. The trees were bending back and forth out there as if trying to run away. Then we got just enough rain to wet the grass a bit. So, the grass is still growing. Such is life.


The living room looks so much different now without that couch. The dogs love their beds, too. And guess who gets to sit in her own chairs for a change! They had a tendency to take the chairs rather than the couch, but they were sweet about letting me sit down when they were asked. Obviously, they know these beds are theirs! Gary thought Jenn had bought more dog beds and wanted to know why. Then he didn’t really understand why they were needed here—he has seen the dogs on the couch in my house. Don’t think that is allowed at their house. Jenn does not think a dog should be allowed on the beds either. Makes sense.


Talked to Sterling this morning and he said Tylenol was doing the trick. He does not like that other stuff because he can’t sleep when he takes it. Must run in the family. Pain meds mess me up generally speaking. Remember that Daddy had problems with anything other than some aspirin. Then there is one of my grandsons who acts just like Lewis did when he came out from under anesthetic. Can’t tell me such things are not genetic!


It is supposed to start getting hot now. The forecast calls for 107 degrees this coming Sunday. Praise God for Mr. Carrier and his invention of AC. Still remember living without even a fan years ago. No heat in the winter and no cooler in the summer. Times have changed in Texas. These states that have no AC because it “never” gets hot are going to be up a creek when the shifting weather patterns bring them some of the kind of heat we have around here. That, by the way, is not necessarily climate change. That is nature doing its thing. The weather has always had changes over the centuries. We just did not always pay attention or think about how much our lives affected the world around us. But you can bet that those guys who have their own private jets will say that “climate change” is the fault of the little peons like us!


Years ago, Israel planted trees in the desert with stones around their roots. The stones helped to bring condensation of the moisture in the air to the roots. Their trees, for the most part, lived. We might have to start doing something similar if it dries out again this year. Of all the rain we have had, we are probably—not for sure, but probably—behind what we need in a year’s time to keep the lakes filled. Just wish it were possible to put in some kind of system to reuse more water around here. The grey water keeps my one apple tree alive, but would love to have some on the west side for the fruit trees. Right now, they get a drink of excess water from the dirty chicken bowls. Oh well.


Got an order from Market Street this afternoon and have two chickens on to cook. The meat will have to cool considerably before it can be taken off the bones, but that is what the dogs and the old woman are going to eat for a couple of days. Those rotisserie chickens are so good, but the oven has to do the job around here. Still pretty good eating and a lot cheaper to eat what we have cooked ourselves, huh. Well, most of the time.


Noticed in a special news bulletin that comes to my email that Texas is beginning to stop certain transfers of convicts on buses since that one guy got loose and killed a bunch of folks. It has always worried me just a tiny bit when those white buses drive down Kemp going toward Highway 79 South. Could just imagine what could happen, and sure enough! But then, the extremely tall fences being built around the State Hospital are not all that reassuring either. Have had patients in my yard and at my front door several times over the years. The beautician cutting my hair the other day said, “Anyone who will kill another person, especially a child, will claim that they are insane—because really, wouldn’t they HAVE to be insane to do that.” Yep, criminally insane. Mental illnesses do not necessarily mean that someone is violent. What we are seeing too frequently are people who have absolutely no connection with moral behavior. It is just too much to even watch the news any longer.


Love looking at all this green out the window, but really wish it were possible to rent a couple or three sheep. Anyone have a pony that needs a good pasture?


Two of those giant columns for wind turbines just went down Kemp heading south. They have to have those big wide load signs on trucks to go in front of them, but the folks behind them could definitely tell that they were not going anywhere very quickly. Not sure why those things tend to irk me, but they do. Gripey old woman.


Sterling told me how to put together my airplane when he gets it sent off. May end up having to have him on the phone to instruct me again, but am truly looking forward to having it out there on a post to whirl in the wind. May have to put a pipe up to stake it in.


Don’t really know diddly squat except that it is nice and COOL in Alaska according to number one child. We get a weather report every day, don’t you see. Gloating, he is. Can’t really blame him. He said he will have to mow when he gets home. Yep. Someone needs to start a rent-a-sheep business.


You all try to have a more positive attitude than the old woman. Find joy in each sunrise—thank you, Keith, for the reminder that it happens every day. Praise God for all His blessings.


Rest well and let us know when you find a sheep—a ewe, no rams! You are loved.



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