Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Rainy and Cool.

 Rainy and Cool.


Yes, it is another weather report, but not the least bit gripey about it. Love rainy weather when fall comes along and everything needs a long drink of water. It is just about soup weather. Or it would be if my mind gets made up to stir up some onions, tators, a bit of left-over spaghetti sauce, and whatever else sounds good to put in there—probably some carrots and maybe some other veggie. Thought about frying the tators and onions, but decided it would make a better soup that would reheat easily. Yep, fall is for soup—maybe even some beans later with cornbread! Might have to make cornbread and beans for Lance on the twenty-second of this month when he comes up to get some work done. Think he likes it almost as well as Lewis did.


These dogs have been sweet today. They wore their thunder shirts last night while the thunder and lightning sounded scary. Then this morning Thompson got here under my feet by the desk when it started booming again. Now it is just a slow rain and no sound effects other than the hens griping about whatever is going on out back. Silly hens! They have been fed again. But the feed is in a different spot, so there’s something to gripe about in their beady little brains.


Just talked to a man about the injections that Dr. Lim did in his back. He also had the nerves burned the way Dr. Lim did for my sister-in-law. But he is still working full time and doing all the things that can cause problems. Hoping that what Anne does never causes her to go back to hurting the way she was, but she said that she has developed neuropathy in one big toe. Can’t imagine how that would be. My feet are just numb. Think that is why my balance really is off. But Anne thought Mom’s walker was needed the other day as yours truly wobbled out to the truck. It is just ridiculous to be this way. It reminds me of Linda Sosebee’s husband and the way he walked. Have no idea why he was so off balance, but he always looked as if he had been drinking—big time. And he did not even drink! Guess eventually will have to ask Michelle Malay to search the barn for Mom’s walker. Sigh Just glad she had room to store all those things we sent out there. Think there were two walkers at one time—just can’t remember where all of them originated. Guess maybe Dad had one.


Got some little bitty cookie like treats for the dogs the other day at Tractor Supply. They are small enough to fit in the treat ball for Sylvia to keep her busy for a few minutes. But she is not the least bit picky. Thompson, however, says that you can just keep those so-called “smart bones.” He MIGHT eat one, but would prefer just about anything to those things. Too much chewing to be good.


Have been reading some science fiction today. Love it. Some of the ideas in this story are so similar to some of the stupidity that governments have come up with over the years. It is amazing to me that never has any government been for the benefit of ALL humans other than the government of God. Someday we will be able to see how that will make the difference in the entire world. May that day come sooner rather than later!


Having trouble imagining what the world would be like with clean water, tame animals, healthy people, and circumstances where no one felt it necessary to hurt any other person. Someday. Guess we should pray for peace and healing throughout this world now before God’s government gets here. It is apparent that it WILL come, so let’s enjoy looking forward to that time.


Have a lot on my mind tonight. Hoping that all my family, friends, neighbors, and those who need blessings are in the direct light of God’s love. Rest well and find reasons to be joyful, my friends. You are loved.



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