Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Gorgeous Fall Day!

 A Gorgeous Fall Day!


Sometimes the sunshine and the temperatures just go together to make life happier. Such is this day. It was plum cool this morning, but the sun was shining, and it only became more joyful as the morning passed. The birds outside were singing as if it were a celebration, and my dogs both must have felt the need for the zoomies because they chased around until yours truly felt the need to get close to a gate post to prevent a runaway! They don’t “see” anything in their way, guaranteed! Anyway, tomorrow may be pretty nice as well even if Monday will be colder and not quite as sunny. Then we can look for the possibility of rain on Tuesday. Oh well. Fall weather is nearly always crispy cool in this part of the country. We must like it that way since no one has ever managed to change it.


The hens have not been very productive today. Thought there would be enough eggs to finish filling up a dozen to give to Maggie and David Sewell, but still need two more hens to get busy and plop out a couple—done deal! The girls have been flocking together all day as if they needed company or something. Got tickled with them last night, too. ONE of the Black-laced Wyandottes decided she liked the little coop and roosted there without being taken over there. The others did not show any fluster at being picked up and moved, but it took a couple of minutes for them to settle down after being placed on the roosts. This morning one of them was up there with Athena where she normally sits. It may be interesting for the next few nights to see what arrangements they make on their own.


My poor Thompson barely is getting over the itchies and now has a problem getting up and down. He may need some glucosamine or something like that for his joints. Think maybe grinding up some of my “Move On” pills might do to put in his dog food. It can’t hurt him. And he likes this new dog food so well that he might not even notice it being in there. Ordered some more of that for the two dogs today from Market Street. It was not any more expensive there than at Walmart. Besides that, Chewy will be sending him a special self-warming bed for his old bones. Each night he has to be covered up to keep him warm enough right now. Sylvia has enough hair on her to keep two dogs warm!


Don’t you just hate to go shopping and get home to find that something was left off your list. This old girl no longer goes shopping, but the shopping list still manages to get shorted somewhat when the old brain tries to remember everything. Today two heads of cabbage were left off the list. Argh. One was for me and one for the hens, but not all is lost. The hens have discovered fresh green grass growing out back. It might not be as much fun as watching them attack a head of cabbage, but at least the grass is free.


Picked up the nasty rat that Sylvia and Thompson caught yesterday afternoon and threw it in the trash bin. Bleah. It was definitely a rat and not just a large mouse. Be so glad when those things stop coming into the yard and hen houses. The danged doves have discovered that the feed trays have been moved, so now ducking one’s head as entering the little coop is totally necessary. An unbelievable number of birds can come out of that doorway at one time! SO glad that rats can’t fly!

Just glanced over to the couch to notice that the dogs are watching me. Not sure just what they are expecting to happen right now, but they both seem less sleepy than they usually act. Maybe this weather is giving them a reason to be alert and happy.


Went out to check on the plants in the “green house” part of the coops. My begonia is blooming! The bucket of basil that Roger hauled out there for me is looking pretty good, but everything will have to be watered by next week. But it is supposed to rain this coming week, so we will see if the leaks in the top help or hinder their growth. Found two tiny tomatoes on one plant along with two more blooms. It made me happy to find them. They will be the small kind, but that is ok, too. The ones that Roger brought yesterday were small and oh, so sweet. That is the way tomatoes that small should always taste.


Roger asked me where Jerry was when he got so sick and was not sure. Jerry’s mom said it was the WF annex. Not sure how a place like that could ever be cleaned sufficiently to remove all the viruses and yucky stuff. Lysol would not even do the job! My dad did some welding downtown at the jail years ago. He said he had never smelled anything that rank since living near the cow lot! You can almost bet it would not take long for the new annex to get to the same level of mess. Sadly, that does not seem necessary. Not sure how they manage clean up. It would have to be pretty strict to keep it decent.


The “bird for the day” on my calendar is a turkey vulture. That makes me laugh. They are a very useful and necessary bird, but they hardly seem the type to be put on a calendar. However, 365 days takes a lot of birds! Guess the planners for that situation were simply not going to be picky!


Not that it was needed or anything, but a nice carrot cake came home to me this afternoon with the grocery order. Patty said it was not her favorite cake. She likes plain chocolate. Donny would eat just about any kind. But some of this is going home with Maggie this evening, so that keeps me from pigging out!


Don’t really know much—as usual. My lack of interest in what is on the “news” might be somewhat like it was before TV or even radio came out. Folks had to get the newspaper which actually had something interesting in each page—even the advertising might have been interesting to them. Then, of course, it could be taken to the outhouse. That is where most of the stuff on TV today really should be taken. But that is just my opinion.


Found out that the guy who wanted to buy Jerry’s place wanted to pay it out. JoAnn was not going for that mess. Lisa is going to work on it and may eventually live there. She is a pretty sweet girl, so maybe it will work out. But it will take a lot of work to get that place livable. Working on what we want makes us appreciate it more, wouldn’t you say?


Please keep Marielle Rose, Kathy Jarlberg, and Dylan Pollard in your prayers. Then remember those on both coasts that have been affected by the storms, flooding, wind damage, and all the rest of the mess whether man-made or weather induced. We tend to build in some of the dumbest places like birds expecting trees to always provide shade. We don’t think about the lay of the land as much as we should. And, of course, the builders just think about getting paid for their work. Planning should be the first priority, but it seems greed always comes first.


Let us be grateful for each day and each good memory. God blesses us so very much in this life. We know that He has planned even more for later in His kingdom. Praise His name!


Rest and be happy. You are loved.




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