Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Locks and Shtuff.

 Locks and Shtuff.


Today Donny’s friend came up to Fenoglio Avenue and put together the two mail boxes for me and for Patty. She said of all the wrist action! He really should have had an electric drill in order to keep from getting so sore and tired. But he still got ‘em done! Then he began to put in the sand. By shaking the funnel for him, it went it a little bit faster and smoother. Then we did that again when he got up to my house. It took a little less than two 50-pound sacks for each base. The post part itself would have held the rest, but if the wind knocks these suckers over, the roof will probably leave the hill as well. Anyway, they are really nice post boxes, and it makes me feel really grateful to have them where we can just walk out and get the mail rather than having to drive down to Texas Street. Just wish I had one more CAT lock to fasten a chain to the box and to the old fence.


Just finished dumping another dead rat into the trash box. The big truck emptied my bin this morning with its collection of these nasty critters! Slowly but surely the numbers are going down somewhat. At least there is no race track on top of the hen coops when the door is opened. But that does not keep the dogs from looking for them and listening. Number one youngest Ostand grandson sent me a Tik Tok thing with a rat brigade—three people sweeping a rat out of an apartment. And no screaming! Amazing!


Made something akin to a recipe that was online yesterday. Talk about indigestion! Wow! It was very tasty, and it was easy not to eat too much, but the after burn is not funny. But it also had spaghetti sauce in it. Lots of shredded cheese, bacon, chopped onion, and the sauce made for a good taste. My daughter would be horrified to know that it also included a can of hominy. She thinks that stuff is absolutely gross. Bet she does not like grits either!


Went to Trott’s Pharmacy and got my stupid flu shot today. And yes, the arm is already sore. Such is life. If it keeps me from getting sick or whatever, it will be worth it.


My sister-in-law, Anne Perkins, let me know that she is in quarantine. Her housekeeper came and happily cleaned her house. Then she called back later and told her she had tested positive for Covid. Prayers for both of them would be appreciated.


My dogs keep tracking in leaves and dirt, so no sense even thinking about getting anyone to mop all the floors. One room at a time will do for the time being with the old woman doing the work. The dust bunnies may eventually get big enough to skin for their coats. Ahem.


The scissortail flycatchers have been talking among themselves around my place lately. This afternoon one sat out on the highline next to the street and showed off his pretty salmon colored belly and under his wings. They are so healthy looking! But then, Jennifer thinks that the doves that have been feeding on the good scratch and pellets out in the hen house have got to be the fattest and healthiest around, too. They are expensive to feed, for sure! Good thing eggs are not the only reason for keeping hens!


Honestly don’t know as much as one of these two dogs. Remembering how blessed my family has been keeps me feeling glad. Know that it is God alone who provides those blessings. May we always praise Him each day when we wake up and when we go to bed. Peace and sleep are wonderful treasures.


Rest and find joy in your lives. You are loved.

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