Monday, October 25, 2021

Lazy Day and Lazy Dogs.

 Lazy Day and Lazy Dogs.


Today was a good day for not doing anything at all! And other than unloading the dryer, folding and putting away the towels, and giving the hens fresh water and some feed, the old woman who lives on the hill did absolutely nothing! Went down to Patty’s and took a dozen eggs and brought back the trash bin. We did chat a few minutes, but dear hearts, it was such a pretty afternoon for petting her dogs and just visiting. She said she had some things being delivered from Walmart about 8 p.m. Told her my groceries were supposed to be delivered around that time or maybe a little later. Usually choose an earlier time, but the choices were nine or ten, so not a whole lot of choice. By ten my yawns will be pretty wide and deep! Even the dogs know it is past time to be in the bedroom by then!


Plan to see Michelle Malay tomorrow if nothing rips, rears, or ravels. She has to come in for a doctor’s visit or two, so we will try to eat at Hunan’s. She enjoys their food, too. All the pictures Jennifer shared of their food experiences on their trip through 20 states were pretty inspiring. Not sure $20 for a lobster roll would appeal to me, however. She said she thought that was bad until the next place wanted $30!


Just went out and closed up the hen coops. Almost forgot! Usually do that as the sun is setting, but was on the phone! And the dogs did not even try to remind me!


Have been reading a book about two Irish women whose husbands were in the military. The husbands lost a card game and had to agree to having their wives cook Irish stew for—well, it was supposed to be about 150 people, but at this point in the book, it sounds like the entire base will be partaking of Irish stew! Whooo boy! Can’t imagine feeding several hundred people with only two women to do all the prep work—much less the cleaning up part. Bet there would be two husbands busy on KP and clean up given their part in the deal! Hope the rest of the book is this amusing.


Have no funny stories to share with you this evening. Have felt pretty good for a couple of days, so will hope that the rest of you are happy and healthy as well. Will just remind you that we are so very blessed. Let us give thanks and praise His name.


Rest and be happy, my friends. You are loved.

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