Thursday, October 14, 2021

Google Jokes.

 Google Jokes.


Sometimes a joke just makes things a bit lighter. For instance, Google just asked what the difference was between a hippo and a zippo. One is a bit heavy and the other is a little lighter. Ahem


Jennifer suggested watching some Tik Tok videos, and they are amusing—the ones she sends to me. But trying to download Tik Tok has not worked for me so far. Oh well. My cell phone is getting pretty full of stuff anyway. Looking through the contacts makes me want to clean them out so that the ones never called will not be in the line with the rest of the ones that matter. Not sure exactly how to do that, either! Lance will be here next weekend and can show me.


Have still been spending most of my time reading today. Just not in the mood to clean house. And yes, it needs it. But not getting the vacuum out right now doesn’t bother me. Tomorrow is another day. And the stuff on the rug under my desk will still be there—plus some more, no doubt. Just put two rugs and a cover sheet in the washer, so there is a start on the cleaning for tomorrow.


Made the soup this morning and have eaten on it all day. It is just about perfect—not too heavy and satisfying enough to keep me from feeling hungry. The two cups of coffee this morning were just not quite enough, so a third cup made with some cappuccino was just about perfect. Wish it could be included all day, but it would be a sleepless night every night in that situation.


Just had an interesting conversation with oldest grandson. He is doing some kind of an accounting project that includes explaining fraud. It undoubtedly involves how income is reported rather than how companies rake in the money that they make from things that are reported to be scarce. He tried to explain that supply and demand issues are not the same as fraud—stealing or other illegal procedures. Looks to me like our congressmen have that down to a fine art. But that is just my opinion. The idea that the government can LOOK at everything in my accounts just ticks me off beyond words! And to tax it after it has already been taxed and taxed again! Well, if that is not stealing, what is? ARGH!!


Doesn’t take much to get me hot under the collar. Our country is going to have to go back to the barter system if we keep up this mess of paying taxes for any and every thought that comes to Congress. Of course, we are not the only country that has to deal with this kind of mess. ALL governments tax people one way or another. About the only way to avoid taxes—if that is possible at all—is to totally leave civilization behind. Did notice that people have begun to favor cremation over funerals because of all the costs and problems associated with gathering people for such affairs and paying for outrageous amounts to put a box in the ground. Not happening here. Cremation already paid for! Well, the kids may have to pay for a cardboard box or something. That would probably be a hundred dollars! Stupid!


Brought Patty’s trash bin up awhile ago and put it in front of Jerry’s house. Tomorrow will try to catch the garbage truck and talk to the driver about not going down over my driveway. That big truck has really messed up the road. No way to completely avoid it, but still. Nothing like trying to limit the trenches left behind.

The other day when we went to Hunan’s, we had some tiramisu and some special little cookies that contained a jelly thing in them. Wish the name of that jelly or those cookies could be easily discovered. They were absolutely delicious. Maybe they would tell me over the phone?


Had to let Patty’s dogs get their exercise while down there talking with her. They know they are going to get to run around out front whenever my feet go past their gate. They love it! And today Patty really needed a hug. She has been crying more lately and makes me sad, but it probably is as good for me as it is for her to express our feelings of loss. We are both going to miss Donny so very much. Well, for that matter, Jerry will be missed, too. Still can’t believe that our criminal system could be as inhumane as it has been for the past few years. We are supposed to treat everyone with some kind of respect. But it seems more like a third world country or some place like Turkey where they kill or torture or let the prisoners rape, beat, and kill those they don’t want to deal with in any other way. Sitting here shaking my head and feeling so disgusted. How inhumane our jails are right now! And this is not even Mexico! At least down there a bribe might get someone treated better.


Honestly need to think of something more positive. Read that Mariellen’s sons believe that she is about over the pneumonia and may have a bone marrow test soon to see if the doctors can treat the leukemia. Let’s remember to pray for her. Also, talked to Richard Miller about his mom Janie. She has some kind of dementia that causes her to want to sleep all day and stay up all night. My mom did that forever before she went to the nursing home. Who knew! Oh, and Kathy Jarlsburg may get to come home from the hospital soon. Let’s hope the treatment to her bone marrow does what is needed.


Let us remember those who mourn, those who are suffering from illnesses, and those who have been caused to see only the distressing things in life. Let us show God’s love to others as He would have us do. Let us be positive.


Rest well, my friends, and find joy in every small detail of our blessings. You are loved.

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