Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Best Laid Plans.

 Best Laid Plans.


Oh, this has been a day! Last night Richard told me that he could not work tomorrow, and he seemed to think that it might be a few days before his cousin would be able to get the concrete poured. Well, doggies! That was not going to work. Then we found out that the concrete had to set for a week before driving on it! Nope, Patty needs to have access to her place for an ambulance or anyone else who needs to get to her house. Working with the mailman was one thing, but anything else was a bit too much. So, we had to cancel the job with Richard. He was hoping he could get the money back on his materials that he had already bought, but my guess is that he can use it on another job if push comes to shove. Patty talked to Donny’s cousin about trying to find someone to do a paving job with black top. Here’s hoping he can find someone to do the work. Ah, such an interesting situation.


Then a text came from JoAnn saying that some guy was trying to get together $50K to buy Jerry’s place from her. We will see what happens there. Don’t really feel the three lots and that disaster of a shell is worth that much, but the man and his bank might think differently. Not going to worry about it.


Gave these two dogs a bath. They no longer smell bad, but now the laundry needs to be done. Will think about that tomorrow—shades of Gone with the Wind here.


Have not moved around any more than absolutely necessary to try to keep from hurting. Not sure just exactly why yesterday was so hard, but don’t think even one joint missed feeling achy or breaky. And that is without any country music at all! Looking forward to seeing this doctor on Tuesday. Not sure what to expect, but Connie has offered to go with me in case he wants to do something that day. Rather doubt that he will, but not sure. From what some have said, it is not a big deal. Not even put to sleep while the needle is inserted into the spinal column. Still makes me shiver to consider that all by itself!


Cooked some chicken breasts to use in salads—not chicken salad, but salad WITH chicken pieces. Still have not talked to Lance to see if he likes Frito chili pies. He has totally different tastes compared to what he ate here while growing up. His wife cooks, and he has learned to cook as well. He says that he is just a “trophy husband.” Giggling.


Finished a book about a lady journalist in England back when London was still mostly in the horse and buggy era and when women’s suffrage was just beginning to be known. Anyway, it was an interesting book even if it was a bit scary. It was funny to think of riding a bicycle that had no brakes! And women could only ride if they wore split skirts! Do they even make split skirts these days?


Patty gave me some little treat looking things for the dogs that are supposed to be for allergies. The ones that came last from Amazon were total rejects as far as these two dogs are concerned. They must taste pretty bad for Sylvia to drop them on the floor. Not going to force them to take them, but it is irritating, to say the least, for the dogs to refuse them. Oh well. They have not been scratching today, but the bath might have made a bit of difference. Still have not seen any more fleas, but my vision is not as good as it used to be. And they are still wearing flea collars.


It tickles me to see Thompson hanging off the end of the couch looking like Snoopy behaving like a buzzard. He sticks his head behind the curtain to see what he can see outside. Connie had told me that Amelia and Snooky treated the window in the front of her apartment as if it were Kitty TV. They watch all the comings and goings—including the squirrel who buries things in the grass next to the window. But then Snooky decided to get right in front of Amelia to block her view. Amelia moved over. Snooky moved over. And the game was ON! It sounded like Thompson and Sylvia when they get to rough housing and grabbing each other’s hind legs! Silly critters!


The pictures Jenn has sent of the ocean close to where she and her friends are staying just make the location look so neat. But she also said that it was cold! Not as in sweater cold, but as in jacket and maybe gloves cold! Glad it is not that cold here yet! Still enjoying this autumn weather and the semi-heat each day. Even if the AC is on, it still feels comfortable.


A friend mentioned here before is Stephen S. He is going to have to have some surgery. Not sure exactly when, but it will be soon. He said that the surgeon planned to put something in his back that looks a bit like a jack that lifts things. Can’t imagine! But so many things have changed over the years involving bones and what they can do to them to strengthen them or repair them. My sister-in-law had coral put in her knee at one point when she broke her leg. Did you know that coral can replace bone for a short period of time until the body replaces the bone? Kinda neat, huh. Anyway, please pray for Stephen. Of all the problems he has, that one should have been taken care of much more quickly than the VA has done. But we won’t talk about the VA, will we! Some of us have some really bad feelings about that agency. Argh!


Gave my hens some veggies yesterday. They have been happy campers today. Got the coops raked out and the feed bins filled, so nothing has to be done out there for a few days other than just fresh water and feed put out. Even got the rat traps re-loaded and screwed up to the fence and one of the 2x4s on the wall inside the coop. So far, no dead rats. Maybe things are getting better in that particular area. So disgusted with those vile creatures!


Will be so glad to have Lance coming tomorrow night. Still need to go get some plastic to put on the coop door, but will have to get him to put the air hose on the staple gun. Tried doing that little job once before. Guess whose hands are not strong enough for that. It is so disappointing to know how something is supposed to work and not be able to do it myself. If it were Jennifer, she would find a way. But don’t think YouTube would be very helpful in this instance.


Had bell pepper and sour cream with Ranch dip mix in it for din-upper. Mighty tasty! But that was not quite enough to satisfy me, so kettle corn it was! Crazy ol’ woman! The dogs like the corn, however. Not so much on bell peppers, but corn, yes.

It’s almost time to close up the coops, so will close this mess for now. Please remember those who have been so drastically affected by this stupid virus. Michelle Malay told me that the husband of a woman we both know died just recently. We are wondering how she will handle this since, like Patty depending on Donny, Debbie depended on her husband for everything. They had been through so much together, including the loss of their young son some years ago. Life can really be awfully hard on us when we have to depend on others. And all of us depend on God to get us through each day and night. More now than ever before! May God protect and guide us all.


Rest well and find joy in this life. You are loved.

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