Saturday, July 17, 2021

Weather Wonders!


Weather Wonders!


Ah, both dogs want under my desk and only one will truly fit. So now they are both between me and my bookcase trying to avoid the sound of thunder and obviously not enchanted by the sight of lightning. But the rain is wonderful! It’s cooling, cleaning, and refreshing! And this can just keep up a bit longer—as in all night! Nothing like a good rain for a good night’s rest—well, as long as it is not flooding. This rain might not be perceived as wonderful by those who have already had more than plenty of it. But right now, yes, it will make some of us very happy.


One of the copper Marans is cooped up—as in closed up—inside the long coop. That won’t make the rest of the Marans happy when it is time for them to go up to roost. Oh well. We shall see what happens, won’t we, as the rain is coming down in sheets now. It is not likely that the Marans will roost with the Black-laced Wyandottes, but one never knows how things will work out with critters. Stranger things have happened.


A friend came today and brought squash, cucumbers, and conversation. Sent home a couple of dozen eggs with her. She was encouraging me to hang tough with this PT stuff. It really has been hard—making this ol’ woman terribly sore. But maybe it will help in the long run. Still, it seems pointless to be this sore and not even have anything to show for all those sore muscles. Oh well. No furniture needs moving, you know.


Managed to reheat some liver and mushroom stuff this afternoon. Still just as tasty as when it was made. Can see the expression on the face of my daughter—Ewwww, she would be saying! Funny how some people think that things like lobster, crab, shrimp and such are simply wonderful. Others, however, prefer something a little less fishy. Oh well.


Turned on the TV to watch movies for a few days. Have not had it turned on since before the boys came and re-hooked it back up for me. Moving the TV from one side of the room to the other has a tendency to unplug all sorts of wires, and who knows where they are supposed to be reattached. Apparently, at least one of the boys knew which wire went where. So, a detective/police type of program has been pretty amusing: Pie in the Sky. The almost retired police officer is a chef and owns a restaurant with his accountant wife. Amusing and pretty interesting show. Nothing too serious is needed around here currently. So, this is just about perfect.


Have not been on FB much at all today, but noticed earlier that Rachelle Pollard said that they had removed the one port on Jacob. They will eventually put in another, but when she posted, the little man was in a lot of pain. Lots of IV antibiotics and pain meds were going, but nothing sounded all that positive—except for the fact that we can all be positive that this family needs our prayers. Please continue to pray for them.


Despite the lack of exertion, the aching body that belongs to this old person still feels the need of more rest. Maybe in a few days, things will get better. Anyway, let us remember to find joy in our lives wherever it may be found. God blesses us with so much that is good. May you all rest well tonight. You are loved.

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