Sunday, July 25, 2021

Visitors and Chicken Tenders.

 Visitors and Chicken Tenders.


Lance and his family came today and boxed up the two microwaves that need to be sent back to the two different companies. One was totally defective, and the other one was bent all to bits on one side. It worked, but the side was loose. Not a good idea to use it in my way of thinking. Anyway, with those out of the way, we had lunch around 11:15 before the Sunday rush hour traffic hit Chicken Express. Then yours truly forgot to send the rest of the tenders home with the kids. And also forgot to send the carrot cake home with them. That was easy enough to remedy: Donny came and picked it up to take to their house. He said that what he and Patty did not eat would fill a hole in his friend’s gut. Apparently, the man does not cook and is happy to eat just about anything. Lance would have taken the cake to work in all probability to feed to the hungry horde up there. His family is pretty much off of sugar. Did not know that at the time. Oh well.


Lance’s oldest child found Mother’s wedding ring for me! It was in a tiny little jewelry box in my desk drawer in the office. Had forgotten about that little box. See, getting old does that to a person. Not that it is a big deal in a way. But still.


Talking to my daughter-in-law about history books, and she told me that the library here has something called graphic novels. Think comic books with facts instead of fantasy. But the books are easy readers for those who are “reading resistant”—Rachel’s term, maybe. These are books that can be checked out of the library, but they are just like any other library book that has to be taken back and cared for respectfully. Not sure kids now understand about taking care of books. Everything seems to be online and expendable.


Watered early this morning to try to keep my Jerusalem artichokes alive and well. Need to finish raking up the stuff the boys cut down the other day, and then that mess needs to go in the trash bin. Something always needs to be done around here. At least the purslane looks good. It is a drought hardy plant, but would love to see it start blooming soon. Have a couple of zinnias that are blooming, but most of the flower bed is pretty sad looking. It needs another good rain. As if that is going to happen anytime soon!!


If you think your AC is not working, just step outside, dear hearts! My phone says it is 98 degrees, but the thermometer on the deck says 104 degrees. Who ya gonna believe? Let’s just say it is too hot to be even a tiny bit comfortable. At least, however, using Energy Ogre, my electric bill will be less than $150 each month all summer! That is something to appreciate!


Sent eight dozen eggs home with the kids to divide up and share with whomever. One day the girls laid fifteen eggs, so that was a really good day for the hens. Of course, the heat is going to slow things down now. They get stressed so easily—well, don’t we all! The dogs lie down on the floor where it is cool as often as on the couch. Thompson especially is sensitive to heat and cold. Poor critter.


Have laundry to do this evening. Did not want to start any of it this morning before the kids came. But have no excuse not to get it done now. And the sheets have to be changed on my bed in the morning as well. Such fun! The only “housekeeping” done today was a dust mop run over the kitchen and living room floors. Yep, real hard work—not!


One of the things that turned up in a bunch of other electronic stuff was a camera that Tracy gave me some years ago. It had pictures of the trip to Scotland and Paris on it, so Lance downloaded those onto my computer and labeled them “Ireland.” Tracy gave him a funny look, and we both discussed how folks from Texas would not want to be called Okies any more than those Irish would want to be called Scots—or vice versa. One taxi driver in Paris told us his take on Scotland—“cold up there and they talk funny.” It still strikes me as amusing.


Today you will find two different posts that need prayers. Jacob had the surgery on his foot, and it might not have been as bad as they first thought, so they did not put any drains in the incision. Then my friend Julia Chambers, whose husband died of glioblastoma of the brain, now has a son who has cancer in his kidneys—think that is right. At any rate, her own stress levels are about to eat her biscuits, so she is not sleeping. And she needs this job that she applied for in order for them to make ends meet. Anyway, please pray for both Jacob and Julia and her family.


Sharon asked about being able to send some little prayer squares to Jacob’s family. I don’t have an address for their new place yet. And my brother is moving soon or sooner, so not sure his address is going to work for a while. Anyway, if they send me an address for such purposes, will give it to you guys on an individual basis. Not just going to publish here on the blog just in case they would not want it out there. Your prayers mean more than anything to them.


Just offered Sylvia and Thompson a “bone.” Sylvia always eats her bones. Tossed one to Thompson, and he just gave me the “look.” Oh, if you insist. Then he ate it without moving more than his jaw. Funny dog!


Pretty dumb tonight. Have three more sessions of PT this week and two more the first week in August. Be very glad to stop stretching and gritting my teeth. But it DOES seem to be helping. Lance made the comment a couple of times today that the old woman seemed to be getting around better. Truly appreciate being able to walk without such a wobble as has been the case for a while. My feet are still numb, but sitting up and walking have not been as much of a problem.


One more comment about family: Sharron Dickerson—the wife of Butch Dickerson—is going to be able to go into a care facility. She can’t go home, but at least she is doing better and will be able to live out her life with some happiness. So thankful that the Dickerson family are close by in that area for all of the members. Not a family exists that does not need an occasional helping hand, but the Dickersons have always been there for each other, or so it seems to me.


Let us be grateful for all blessings and for each day. Rest well, my friends, and know that God loves us each and every one.


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