Monday, July 5, 2021

Misunderstandings and Social Media.


Misunderstandings and Social Media.


So, apparently my thoughts expressed to a niece have caused her to be insulted and offended with me. Mind you, most of the thoughts were expressed in a private message to her alone and definitely not meant to be critical or insulting. But nevermind. This old woman does not often understand the newer types of “jokes” or silly sayings. The first time someone posted about getting their hair “did,” it just about blew away the grammar police whistle around here. Have since learned not to post “you’re” for folks who don’t understand the difference between the possessive and the contraction, but won’t repost anything with stupid forms of English. NOT that anyone gives a rat’s patootie what my posts say one way or the other—well, except for FB. They don’t like any of the posts that mention the current malady running amok in this country and others, but some words simply clog up their mindsets. Anyway, tried to apologize to the niece, but seriously doubt that she will accept it. And such is life.


Today the new couch cover came via USPS from Amazon. The dogs are happy enough to lie down on it. Now to see how long it takes them to tear it up or otherwise destroy it. They have appointments to see one of my favorite sources of expense—the vet. Sylvia will get her toenails trimmed ($16), and Thompson will get a shot called Cytopoint as suggested by Lance’s neighbor. If it lasts as long as six weeks, it might be worth it--$130!! It does seem that money can hardly wait to get out the door lately. Praise God for the lack of major expenses right now. Don’t mind spending money on the house keeper since it hurts to do the cleaning, but right now, it makes me wonder how things ever got to this state of affairs. Once upon a time, the floors were mopped and vacuumed, the furniture got wiped down once a week, and the clutter was contained in various forms that we could live with. Currently think the back bookcase is floating around in my mind with its coating of dust. Deep sigh.


Expecting company this weekend if only for a short visit. They never stay long, but are always more than welcome. Family makes life interesting in so many ways.


Took the rug out from under my office chair because it kept getting tangled up on the edges no matter which direction it was turned. Here’s hoping the chair does not make marks on my floor. Jennifer sent me a TikTok thing that showed erasing marks on floors with peanut butter. Had already tried WD-40. Oh well. Not going to buy peanut butter to try that one out. Only the dogs eat peanut butter around here now. Unless it is on a piece of celery, the stuff just causes problems—crackers and bread don’t do well, ya know.


Watered last night and waited to see if the plants out front perked up any. Probably should have planted the angel wing begonias in pots and kept them on the front porch, but maybe they will make it out there in the flower bed. We will see.


JoAnn just left. She and Lisa were over at Jerry’s scooping up the last of the mess inside the house. JoAnn had to run off one of the trashy guys who is always trying to get stuff from over there. He tried to tell her that he was Jerry’s nephew. Her reply, “BULLSH*T! I am Jerry’s mom, and you are NOT a nephew or anything else in my family! I have your license number and am calling the police!” He cut out as if his tailfeathers were on fire. Have seen him over there any number of times, but getting the police here by the time he leaves is another situation altogether. She does not even want Jerry’s REAL nephew over there! She put up signs and asked the police to come if yours truly found it necessary to call them. They said just to give them a call. It really sucks to have such a terrible bunch of crud coming around the neighborhood. Every bit of this mess has been caused by drugs in one way or another. And this is the reason everything on this hill has a lock on it. Having two guard dogs does not hurt anything either.




Just put on another load of laundry and realized that all the Dreft 2 was gone. So, Amazon to the rescue! Years ago, we could all use either All Free and Clear or Arm & Hammer Free and Clear. Not any longer. They must have changed the formula or something because the itchies that the dogs currently have would be reflected in the similarities with the humans in this family. And Benadryl did not help us, either! Anyway, glad that Amazon gets stuff here rather quickly—within the week. NOT that anyone could not do without clothes or linens for more than a week. Sitting here remembering that Mom used to have to wash once a week years ago. But then, we did not have that many clothes to wear at all. Sterling had maybe two good pairs of Levi pants and maybe a pair of raggedy ones. Yours truly had no pants until years later. Girls had to wear dresses, much to my disgust. And Mom did not put pockets on my dresses! Oh well. Thinking about how difficult it must have been on her to do laundry with an old ringer washer and rinse tubs. She was just grateful when Daddy finally closed in the back porch. During the winter, she had to haul everything down to Mattie Rutledge’s laundry. It could not have been cheap, but she took everything home to hang on the lines out back if it was not raining. Don’t really remember if they had dryers back then or not. Probably not. Hard work taking care of a family back then.


Years ago, before Hanan left home, he built a waterfall with a pump from an old swamp cooler. He made it fall from one bucket to another to give it plenty of height to make splashing sounds. It was fun to sit out there and listen to it. Don’t remember now why it had to come down, but it might have had something to do with the electrical supply. Anyway, have been thinking about putting up a tub of water with a pump in it for a fountain. Would like to use the big water tank that was purchased for raising baby chicks as that is never going to happen again. Have some concrete blocks to set it on out by the workshop and an electrical outlet right inside the door where it can plug in. The hardest part would be moving the tank from the deck to the workshop, but maybe that will happen sooner or later. Have some plastic flexible tubing that could be attached—maybe—to the old pump, but will have to check out the pump first and see if it still works. Just planning stuff like that can be fun. Who knows if it will be the sort of thing that turns out to be as noisy as it might be if it were splashing down into buckets. Smiling about the possibilities. Used to bug Lewis to bits when these ideas would come into my itsy-bitsy brain. Wanted a fish pond once, and he reminded me that snakes like fish ponds. That took care of that particular idea!


Just fed the dogs their “special”—and expensive—food. Tried to sneak some allergy pills into it, but a certain dog spit one out right on the floor, thank you very much! Both dogs have the same food and about the same amount, but Sylvia will end up with whatever Thompson does not eat. Never fails. Yet she is not fat. This stuff probably never saw a cow or pig, but it has liver in it from some kind of animals. Supposed to be healthy. Oh well. After the vet sees Thompson on Wednesday, we may be more concerned about giving him allergy pills to go along with the shot. This stuff called Apoquel is supposed to work within four hours. Giving him that stuff on top of the shot should do something if it does not knock him over and conk him out!


A quick notice just flipped up on my screen to say that more than 80 were shot and 14 killed in Chicago over the weekend. How much you want to bet that none of the folks carrying guns had a license to carry! Illinois does not allow gun licenses—not like it matters up there. If they did not have guns, they would all be carrying knives or bricks or something like baseball bats! The world is getting crazier by the day. Hated to see JoAnn have to carry a gun just so she could run off the creeps that get on her property, but today, at least, the threat of calling the police was enough. Have my pump shotgun back in its little corner. Certainly never hope to have to pick it up and shift a shell into the chamber. That sucker is heavier than two small toddlers!


Hoping that all of you are well and happy. It is time to enjoy the flowers, kittens, puppies, fresh veggies, and every bird known to sing a song! We know where all these blessings originate, so praise His name and be joyful. You are loved.

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