Wednesday, July 21, 2021




Sometimes we come to expect certain standards to be upheld by businesses and by people. And it is pretty easy to be disappointed by either. And that happened today. So, suffice it to say that lunch or breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants may not happen again anytime soon. When half of the food is cold-ish and the rest feels as if it has been seared on a grill straight from the freezer, you can bet it all has been reheated and not made fresh at all. Rehashed food or rehashed thoughts: neither are consistent with quality or caring.


Enjoyed a pleasant visit with Connie this afternoon. It’s almost two years since her mom died, and we have learned so very much about each other. And maybe we have learned just about as much about ourselves in the process. Our interests are totally different, for sure! She said it had been years since she read a book. And some of the stations she watches or the networks that interest her have never seen the light of day in this house. Oh well. Different strokes and all that.


Rachelle said that Jacob has improved considerably so that the doctors think the infection is on the way to be gone completely. SO grateful for what they have been able to do for the child. Rachelle’s mom must be staying up there with them, too. Saw a picture of her in bed with Jacob and a multitude of stuffed animals! So sweet! Not sure exactly what the next step will be, but the pic line will probably have to go back in to keep the sticks down completely. As it is, Jacob has two deep vein lines in his arms so that they can give him medications. They are also trying to keep his muscles from giving up on him. He sat in a chair for the first time today, and it about wore him out. Simply can’t imagine. Meanwhile, thank you for your prayers and please don’t stop!


Read online this evening that the East Coast is inundated with the smoke from the West Coast to the point that it is not safe to breathe outside. So very sad to see this happening, but a front promises some rain that might clean the air up just a bit on the East Coast in the next couple of days. Now if the West Coast could actually get some decent rainfall, maybe some of the fires could be contained if not put out entirely. Let us pray for rain for them.


SO very sick of political garbage. And yes, the mask off, mask on, mask off again situation is part of that political shtuff. It seems that Fauci told folks they did not need to wear masks in order to save masks for those who “really” needed them. Sitting here shaking my head and wanting to stay at home. Probably exposed myself to more garbage by eating out at a restaurant that can’t even be bothered to cook real food! Guess maybe just going to the feed store, ordering groceries, and eating boiled eggs will soon be the order of the day. Nuts and berries!


Noticed that a couple of dust bunnies have invaded the living room. That is not too bad, but the scorpions that have been killed—one in the bedroom and one in the living room—are a different situation. Guess it is time to drag out the bug spray again. Hate to do that, but can’t stand stinging critters and spiders. It’s one thing to have spiders making webs between the trees and the deck, but having them come inside to wave at me from the windows—nope! Not happening!


This weather may be about to get quite a bit warmer, but so far this year we have been so very blessed with decent temperatures. Rain may have caused the humidity, but the cooler temps have made life a lot more interesting. It is easy to walk outside—well, while wearing “eau de Off”—in the morning or afternoon. So far, the mosquitoes have not flown off with any of the hens or either of the dogs. But that may change. It is Texas, after all.


Honestly don’t know enough to make it worth your time to read. Do know that mornings make me grateful to be able to get up and watch the sun come up. A good night’s rest makes a difference in just about anyone’s world. So, gratitude comes up each morning and gets appreciated even more after a good day. Let us rest and rejoice! You are loved.

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