Monday, July 26, 2021

Naps and Other Necessities.

 Naps and Other Necessities.


Some of us get just a wee bit gripey when we are hurting or when we are tired. And you can probably guess which one is typing this up right now. PT today started out pretty easy and progressively got harder. The young man directing my activities thought we should do one exercise twice. Guess how that went over. Nope, and nope again. Finally, the young woman in charge of whatever was supposed to actually get done came over and discussed whether or not “hurting” involved sore muscles or real pain. She said she would adjust the exercises. Sitting in my office chair with an ice pack helps, but getting up feeling like this each morning makes me wonder about how “core” exercises are supposed to feel. And yes, PT is actually helping me walk and get around better, so there’s that.


Sharon Dickerson called today and said that she was sending some things to Jacob, the Lion-Hearted. Each person in that little church is praying for Jacob and his family—plus those who are taking care of him there in the hospital. It takes an entire group of nurses, doctors, technicians and the like to get it all done and keep a patient comfortable. So, surely those prayers are most appreciated.


The AC proved its worth today. Dadgumit but it is hot! Had thought some few things would get done around here today, but that did not happen. Maybe before Friday the excess weed debris will get put in the trash bin. Or not. Energetic is not on the menu around here lately.


Have a broody Copper Maran out in the little coop. Have locked her up each night and let her out in the morning. She goes out to get a drink and then right back to the nest. By this evening, she will be grumpier than ever and determined to do it again tomorrow. Have dunked her in the water trough a few times, but so far all it does it tick her off. Oh well. The other hens are still laying.


Sharon said that the “other” Sharron who was going to a care center fell and is not doing great. Not sure if she is in the hospital or in the care center. Either way, falling is hard on the body. Please say a prayer for Sharron Dickerson and her family. It has to be difficult for them as well.


Honestly do not know enough to even sit down to write something. Took a nap after coming home this morning, but still feel pretty tired. Hoping that Lance’s oldest child got the eggs to work this morning, but have not talked to Jenn to ask. And some man is supposed to be working on their well. Hope that has gone ok. Think folks around that area are still finding freeze damage—and not just in the trees and shrubs. Guess we will all recover eventually.


The wild birds are still singing every morning—and bathing in the hens’ water each day so that it has to be changed twice a day! At least they are not going without water. The dogs’ pool has water in it, but it is too deep for wild birds. Need to find something to lay in there so that they can use the pool instead of the water bowls. Oh well.


Let us be grateful for life, health, happiness, and freedom. We are so very blessed. Rest well, my friends, and know this: you are loved.

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