Friday, July 2, 2021

The Price of Peanuts!


The Price of Peanuts!


So, the boys came and got this mess cut. Yes, it could stand to be raked since it was so very heavy and tall, but that is not going to happen. My dad never raked any grass in all the days we were growing up. But then, his grass was always cut each week—unless he happened to take a hammer to the lawnmower! He did that one time because it refused to start. Who knows what was wrong with it! Daddy really was not any kind of mechanic. Smart as a whip and very talented, but not a mechanic. Anyway, the boys seemed to think that if they did the grass without my mower and gasoline, it would probably cost me an extra $20. Wonder if they know that gasoline is $4 a gallon in the metromess. Grayson said he just shook his head and gasped at the price. Agree totally. But yours truly is not out running around in the truck. Have one trip planned for Wednesday, but other than that, will probably not be driving around. But am very thankful to have that grass cut.


Was outside just long enough to get bit by a mosquito! Dadgummed insects! Guess the dogs won’t be the only ones scratching!  Sprayed them down enough earlier that anything on them should have been wetted down pretty good. Not sure it will help, but had to try. Can’t stand to see them scratching and chewing on themselves. Have no idea what will stop the itches, but have tried several things so far—including giving them Benadryl.


Talked to my nephew Danny online today. He said he can’t give anyone a high five, but he can give them a 4.5 instead. At least he has a good sense of humor. He said that as far as the pain goes, an abscessed tooth or a kidney stone is much worse despite the throbbing. Simply can’t imagine. Think his dad’s wreck when Sterling lost his finger was worse because he ended up banging into the end of a truck. Danny may have lost part of one finger and nearly another, but at least nothing fell on him. Life gets interesting sometimes.


Got everything taken out of the bookcase in the living room and the shelves wiped down. Had the “whatnots” made from metal and other assorted shtuff in a wheeled wire trolley and took that to the back room. No, it is not going to stay there, but have not decided how to distribute it with any kind of neatness. Just glad to have the bookcase wiped clean and some books reshelved. Have four empty shelves now. Probably won’t take me long to cram more junk in there. Sigh


Made some broccoli and cauliflower stuff out of a bag—frozen. Wasn’t very good. Still, it is not like any is growing out in the yard. But the dogs ate the stalk parts while the flowerets were mine. Anyway, may stop by Market Street while out and about on Wednesday and see about getting some frozen Brussel sprouts or something good like that. Cole slaw is almost as good. Anyway, Cari Guidry brought a sack of yellow squash this morning that will make a couple of good meals. Love that stuff! No matter how it is put together—fried, steamed, or in a casserole—it is tasty!


Got a dozen eggs today! So surprised. Guess the cooler weather makes a big difference. The hens all seem to be happy right now. Whether it is the weather or something else, they just chuckle along. Got tickled to see them avoiding the big lawn mower. Ever seen 18 hens running as hard as they can for the safety of a place like the deck? Let me tell you, it was pretty awesome! And that was in high grass!


Really about as dumb as a log tonight. A bit tired and more ornery than usual. Other than talking to Grayson and Connie, have not exchanged many words with anyone. Keep this up and may even forget how to talk . . . NOT!!!! Lewis would be sitting here howling to hear something like that! Well, the kids would be, too. Oh well.


Let’s remember the sacrifices that were made to establish this nation and to keep it free since then. Not so sure that the politicians today have a clue about honesty or integrity, but at least God continues to bless the nation. Let us remember to be grateful to Him.


Rest well, my friends, and know this: you are loved.


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