Saturday, July 24, 2021

A VERY Long Ice Pack.

 A VERY Long Ice Pack.


Don’t remember where the ice pack originated, but dearly beloved, it helps! Yes, sometimes the heating pad helps, but it seems to me that the ice pack is better. Maybe it is just because it is so doggone hot. Whatever. Have one of those electrical units in the bedroom, too, but one has to be still for that to work. Do you have any idea how hard it is for some people to be still? May end up with frost bite on the end, but can think of worse things. Ah, quitjabelliachin! That was a sign in our neighbor’s living room when we used to stay with her when Mom took her husband to the doctor. It took me a long time to learn to read that saying. But Mrs. Donald just smiled when it was read aloud. She became a widow way too soon, but she was very kind to us children. Her husband was the sheriff in Petrolia back then. And every man in that town supported him in whatever he had to do. Times were certainly different.


Have to “brag” just a tiny bit. Made up my mind that these two microwaves were going back to Ft. Worth. Lance will be here tomorrow and will load them in the boxes and take them back to the office so that the tacky FedUp man can come get them on Monday afternoon. But the main thing is that yours truly went to Lowes to check the prices and what was available, and THEN went across the street to Walmart and got the very same microwave that was in a horribly beat up box. The man behind the service desk helped me open it and check to see if it was ok. It was. We reboxed that sucker and then asked for someone to help load it for me. Nope, they had not even ONE person to come help. One of the women behind the counter walked away instead of trying to find someone to help. Finally, asked a young woman at the door if she could find someone to help me load it. A very nice young man said, “Ma’am, I will be happy to help you.” God just placed him in the right place at the right time. So, yes, praise God for His help in a time of need. The boys got here in time to unload the thing and set it up on the counter for me. That was perfect timing, too. They are so much help! But get this: the exact same model cost $60 less at Walmart than through Amazon!


Had my groceries delivered from Market Street this morning rather than try to walk around inside the store or drive over there to do a pick up and then try to unload them. Had not planned to go to shop for this microwave, but just decided that was the best way to do it. Things worked out for the best.


Made the mistake of drinking one of these mixes in my water to prevent dehydration. Whooo boy! Spent the night back and forth to the necessary room. So, today, instead of going to see Pat, just called him and told him he could consider himself hugged. Then Connie told me that they are warning folks to stay away from care centers because a healthy person can give someone who is vulnerable this new-ish fungus that is killing old people. If it is not one thing, it is something else! Hanan’s friend Caleb has had this mess, and nothing on the market—no antibiotics—can even touch it. “Outbreaks of a drug-resistant "superbug" fungus spread among patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities in Texas and WashingtonD.C., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. The fungus, Candida auris, preys on people with weakened immune systems.” Not sure just what a person would do to avoid this one. Here we go staying at home again?


The moon last night felt as if it were a search light! It was so very bright. Watched until is went down and then tried to get some sleep. Rested some, but didn’t sleep. Being sore definitely affects one’s ability to sleep. Jenn reminded me that some meds are in there just for the pain so a person can relax. Oh well. Tonight will be different.


If you have not already seen the post about Jacob, just will ask you to pray for him and his mom. The abscess and infection in his foot will require some of the bone to be removed. Carol Thonton called him Jacob the Lion Hearted. He really has to be Lion Hearted. May God give him courage and peace.


Looking for a good Texas history book that covers our history without being dogmatic or otherwise stupid. The books in my library about Texas are just a bit much to use for teaching. If nothing else, the vocabulary is a bit daunting for those in high school. And to think that we read Romeo and Juliet back in the day! Did you read Macbeth and The Tempest? Think Macbeth has been made into a movie, but can’t find The Tempest as a movie. Once upon a time, a young woman named Ellen C. could find anything out there on the internet. Wish her skills could be transferred bodily!


Looking forward to seeing Lance and his family tomorrow. Hope they get here early before it gets too hot. It is fun to sit out back and enjoy watching the hens and dogs. This morning the dogs had a bad case of the zoomies and nearly ran over me on the deck! Had to have words with them over that. Don’t need any more falls, for sure!


Sitting here trying to think of the name of the flowers that will be blooming in the front bed soon. It is not moss, not ice plant, but something neat like that. Hate losing words! Was trying to remember the neighbor’s name this morning who used to walk over to our yard to visit with Grandma Dickerson. Her name was Mrs. Roland, but the kids would not know that. They never met her. PURSLANE! They don’t have double flowers like Portulaca Moss, but they are still very pretty. And they withstand the heat very well. A good Texas plant!


 Some folks are still finding damage from the freeze we had in February. My son-in-law is one who has some major damage on his well and the pump. He and others like him are in my prayers. Even if it were not horribly expensive, the wear and tear on a person’s nerves is just a bit much. And then try working in this heat! May God give us some cooler weather and a bit of rain to keep things from getting too dry. The high grass will make a big fire if the idiots keep shooting off fireworks like they did here on the lake last night. My Thompson definitely did not approve—well, me either! So, the freeze and the weird weather lets all of us wonder what is next. Guess we will just have to grit our teeth and handle whatever comes our way.


May you all rest well this night and awake with joy in your heart! Ask for His help and expect an answer. You are loved.

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