Sunday, July 18, 2021

Some Professions.

 Some Professions.


Talking with Connie Cooke about how some professions are pretty strange; for instance, if feeling useless were a profession, yours truly would have the top job! But then, there is feeding treats to silly dogs; again, some of us would have the top jobs! My two dogs are pretty picky and just turned down the dog biscuits purchased at the feed store. Nope, they want the “marrow bones” from Chewys, thank you very much! Ah, such interesting things to do on a very, very humid afternoon. The hens even seem to be squawking about things to the tune of humidity overload!


Noticed that the grass is growing again. Will have to wait and see if Lance wants to learn how to drive the zero-turn mower. His little lawn would not even have room for a riding mower, much less one this size. So, he might just find this to be a different kind of fun! Will have to remind Jennifer to have him bring some work clothes in case he wants to get dirty. Or not. The kids don’t come very often, so do not usually want to ask them to do much around here unless it is their idea.


The weather is supposed to start getting hot now. But then, it is July in Texas. This really has been a strange summer so far. Most of the time, June is even hotter than it has been so far this month. Not sure why the weather has been so different, but feel sorry for those who are dealing with extreme heat—especially those who don’t have the kinds of AC units we have around here. Even a swamp cooler is better than just fans.


Have not been on FB this afternoon, so have little idea of what is going on in the world or otherwise. Guess, to tell the truth, that it really is not my number one interest right now. Connie said that when we get old, we can pray about things and otherwise enjoy retirement and being semi-selfish with our time. Guess semi or otherwise, some of us get by with being pretty self-centered at some point. Another one of those professions?


Finished off the spinach dip today with the broccoli spears purchased at Aldi’s. The mushrooms were much better for dipping, but they just don’t last as long as broccoli crowns. Guess the rest of the crowns will have to be steamed and eaten with butter or something along that line. Nothing like raw veggies to make life interesting.


Sylvia just demanded that her tennis ball be retrieved from under the couch. She is about a silly dog. Both of them have been demanding attention today—well, more than usual. But it makes me feel good to know that they love me and want to be petted. Love playing with them! God knew what He was doing to give us critters to love. It is good practice.


Know very little tonight worth talking about. Have PT in the morning and kinda dread it, but if it will help, then it might be worth the sore muscles and achy joints. Seven more sessions are scheduled after tomorrow. Such fun. NOT! Oh well. It could be worse. Gripey ol’ woman!


Pray for peace and that love will prevail in our world. Pray for those who mourn, for those who are ill, for those who are in danger. May we ask for God’s forgiveness and be grateful that we may ask. May you all find rest each day. You are loved.

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