Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Summer and Heat Stressors.

 Summer and Heat Stressors.


Talked to my nephew Danny Pollard today. He said that they have had Jacob up and walking some. It may be that they will be able to bring him home from the hospital by Monday if all goes well. Meanwhile, the humidity and heat in Arkansas is just a lot like it is here in WF. Pretty miserable.


Someone on this side of WF said that a cougar was prowling around between Southwest Parkway and Lake Wichita. That is not even two miles from my place. Have seen bobcats out here, foxes, raccoons, and plenty of possums, but never have seen a cougar walking around here. Waiting until daylight until letting the hens out may keep my critters safe, but those big cats are not dumb. They know a hen when they see one. But, of course, they eat house cats and small dogs just as happily. Folks who let their cats run outside can kiss ‘em goodbye if a bobcat or even a coyote is hungry. One lady in Burkburnett was raising champion fuzzy little dogs—can’t remember the breed, but tiny ones—and a coyote came out from under a bush next to her sidewalk and ran off with her prize pooch! It was undoubtedly dead before it left the sidewalk, but still. Who wants to feed the coyotes!


It has been a hard couple of days. Today Patty went to the hospital to see Donny. In a couple of days, they will remove the trachea tube. She refuses to let them take him to a nursing home just to keep his body alive. All we can do is pray for what is best for both of them. Losing him will leave a great big hole in our lives—for both of us, and for his family and friends. He has been so dependable to do all the things that needed to be done, from taking a hose off a faucet to hanging a gate. But life goes on. A young man gave me the phone number of a guy who has a business called “Rent a Hubby.” Who knows; if Roger or someone like that can’t help me, maybe the rent a hubby guy can be of help. Can’t imagine that Jennifer can call Patty to come up and check on me like Donny did. In fact, yours truly will go down and bring her trash can up at least once a week for her. That is at least one thing it would be easy for me to do for her. Also told her about the young woman who has been cleaning my house. She said that Donny was always good to clean out the middle, but she would like to have the corners and under the furniture done, too. Understand completely! My dust bunnies grow families, which is pretty common with critters in the house. Dogs, cats, or both can leave behind an entire new animal worth of hair!


This morning Cari Guidry’s mom brought me some more squash, cucumbers, and patty pan squash. What doesn’t get eaten quickly around here will feed a hen or four. As it is, while sitting down on the deck steps earlier with a left-over bag of cooked rice, think almost every hen out there had a beak full of rice. They will eat almost anything!


Did not sleep well last night, so today a couple of short naps happened. Not sure it will mess up tonight’s sleep, but it was worth it at the time. Maybe it was the trip to Tractor Supply and putting feed in the bins, but everything just seemed to wear me out. Getting grumpier by the day, or so it seems. Still have not opened up the workshop and started trying to Southern engineer the grass shoot on the side of the zero turn. Bet it will be done in a few more days anyway. Thinking that drilling a couple of holes in the cover and then latching it to the bar on the mower should work. Otherwise, try ordering one of those things! Probably made in China. Lance said that the wiring harness for his truck’s window was no longer even available—and his truck is not nearly as old as mine! Everything is so difficult to get these days. Guess it is time to order more coffee and toilet tissue before that becomes scarce again!!


Filled up the dogs’ pool today and forgot to turn the water off, so the area right under the crepe myrtle and the plum tree was pretty much floating. The hens absolutely loved it! They were out there scratching around in the puddles. But better yet, the dogs love lying down in all that cool water. Then, of course, they come inside to lie down on the couch. Good thing it has extra covers on it!


Honestly have very little on my mind tonight. Forgot to put some of the gabapentin in my med trays, so have no idea how many days it was not in there. Oh well. Can certainly tell a difference! So, it is now refilled in each day. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Can thank Michelle Malay for encouraging me to take this particular med. She was absolutely spot on about how much it helps. And then my sister-in-law gave me enough to keep me going for a couple of months at double the dose prescribed. Yep, it helps. PT actually has helped as well. My right leg is working better even if the wobbles are still there. Maybe eventually that will improve as well. Meanwhile, whine, gripe, and moan and groan. Will try to do better tomorrow.


May you all rest well tonight and awake with joy in life and living. You are loved.

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