Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Catching Up.

 Catching Up.


Today, just like every day since Sunday evening, Sterling has kept me entertained and interested in what he has been doing all these years. Talk about different! We both had separate lives despite being brother and sister for all these years. Now we have a little better understanding of how each of us feels about more than a few things. His interest in the Bible and in reading commentaries seems totally different from what things were like even twenty years ago. We have had some truly amazing conversations—not to mention a discussion about how many of the terms we have had to look up about Calvinism and other “isms.”


Sterling has talked about his house and rebuilding it and trying to light it up so that a blind person can easily read. He might be able to find a couple of lights for my kitchen that will light up the room enough so that it won’t take a flashlight to find the floor! We will see how that works out. Then he plans to try to work on my wagon and try to get the nut to stay on to keep the wheel from falling off. The attic door also has been targeted for a couple of screws to keep it from rattling in high winds. Just little things, but it is wonderful to have someone here who has a clue how to fix things. Then he plans to see about getting chicken scratch from Sutherlands for me to fill my bins so that doesn’t have to be done again this summer.


The wonderful rain we had must have been a pretty good fire retardant, plus it has given the dust a place to settle and the grass a chance to grow. It won’t even bother me to call one of the kids to come mow the grass this summer! Now if only the flowers will bloom this year. Jennifer sent me a picture of a bluebonnet that came up in her yard that surprised her. It made me not exactly jealous, but envious.


Have a nurse coming from the insurance company in the morning, and she wants to check the circulation in my feet. Ok. Sterling suggested taking a couple of 2X4 blocks to put under the bottom of the bed’s footboard to raise that end up slightly. Sounds as if it might work better than a rolled-up blanket under the mattress. Anyway, we will probably discover that the old woman is just a mean as she has ever been even though it will be four weeks tomorrow since they cut up the old body. Today was pretty rough since it seemed better not to take anything for pain until late this evening. Just a little bit leery of taking pain meds and not really realizing what might happen if leaning over or something. Bending, lifting, and twisting come naturally, don’t they!


Really don’t know much. Have thoroughly enjoyed having Sterling here. It has been hilarious to see the dogs reacting to him. Today he was going to play his guitar. Sylvia was semi-terrified. Thompson barked at him and did not want him to make that noise. It made me laugh! They are not used to music or much noise—not even TV. But anyway, it has been nice to have Sterling here to take care of the critters and other little jobs from hauling the trash bin across the road to cleaning out the dog water bowl. Maybe by next week the old woman will be back on her feet a little better. Have to take the truck to Barnett Road and get an x-ray, so that will be interesting. Hoping taking it slowly will work just fine.


May all of you find joy in life and feel grateful for the blessings God has poured out upon us! You are loved.

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