Monday, November 8, 2021

The Blind Leading the Blind.

 The Blind Leading the Blind.

Dear hearts, it is one thing to get old, but all these little things that occur when age begins to overtake your body—not to mention your mind—well, things just can get really interesting. Had my yearly visit with Dr. White to see if the cataract needed any helping along or removal or whatever. Nope. That situation is just fine. Now if the left eye would just stop going off by itself to look at the other side of the mountain, we might be having more reading done around this old hill. Since she did not make any suggestions that the situation might improve or be remedied, my guess is that nothing can be done. Oh well. My dad was blind in one eye and couldn’t see out of the other for years and still had his driver’s license, so there’s that. My enthusiasm for driving has never been great, but with the increase of traffic and my particular brand of stubbornness considered, it is probably just as well that the old Ford stays pretty much out there in the driveway. As long as my presence on this earth does not cause my children or grands too much trouble, maybe just enjoying life is enough on a day-by-day basis. Kinda like my neighbor to the west said today, only so much can be done in any situation. We just have to deal with things as they come along the best we can at the time.


Patty said that her trash bin included four jars of pickle juice, so she was a little concerned that it would be too heavy for me to haul up the road. It wasn’t too heavy, but it made me laugh that Donny would never let her dump pickle juice down the drain. It went out on the yard, so he did not think it was good for the grass or something. It takes all kinds of thoughts along those lines. Lewis never liked for me to throw anything out in the yard—ever! But then, we did not always have hens either. Now hardly anything goes out in the yard that the girls don’t eat right away. No onions, no grapefruit or that sort of thing would do, but any decent vegetable is soon gone to glory. Those birds can eat an entire cabbage in a day’s time. They are not fond of apples, however. Peaches, yes. Apples, no. Go figure.


My trash is out front waiting for the trash truck, too. Four healthy looking—but dead—rats, a dead dove, and the usual assortment of trash and junk mail. HOW does the Post Office lose money and still end up hauling around all that junk mail? Not sure exactly how that works, but maybe they don’t have to buy stamps and just use some kind of guesstimate of what their mail should cost. And now that all the politicians have begun to send emails instead of stamped letters—or Congressional mailings—they are not helping the Post Office at all. How does this work in other countries? Someone told me some kind of story about the Post Office in Canada, but it was pretty hard to believe. The person said that they don’t have mail boxes like we have. Then how do they get mail? Guess we will have to ask Helen Shaders how it is done in England.


Reading a book that has gone through my house once before, but started it again and just could not remember who did what, so, will just read it again. That is one of the troubles with ebook. Oh well. My memory is not all that great any longer anyway. One of the guys in the family said that his dad’s brain injury made it possible for him to enjoy all the old movies again because he couldn’t remember having seen them the first time. Guess it is not quite that bad here, but close!


This has been an absolutely gorgeous day. Not too much wind this morning, but it is blowing fairly easily this afternoon—only 15 mph. That’s not bad at all except that the wind feels moist as if it is coming in with a bit of mist in it. Guess that is from the lake. Maybe the pelicans have swept up all the minnows and stopped holding down the waves. [joking]


The spider plant on top of the cabinet across the room is moving with the air from my ceiling fan. It makes it look as if something up there is alive. Not scary, mind you, but it could be disconcerting if it were not so obviously the breeze from the fan that is making it move. Plants make me happy. Not sure why, but they do. But then, dogs and cats have the same effect despite the fact that they leave hair all over everything. Oh well.


The hens laid more than a few eggs today. Proud of them! One of the hens turned over a nest box, but despite the egg rolling out, it did not break. So now only one more egg is needed to complete a dozen in that box. Will have to ask Jenn if she is going to come this month for eggs, etc. Don’t think she really should be coming this month since she has spent one week on the East Coast already and is going back to W. VA for Thanksgiving. That is just a lot of travel! Know they really enjoyed the week going to Maine and all points in between, but still. A body can only handle so much at a time. Well, that is the way it is for me, anyway.


Am guessing that Nikki and Stephen are in Dallas by now. He has back surgery tomorrow. Please pray for them. Our bodies and our minds both need help sometimes, but especially when they have to have extraordinary help from doctors. When Patty was talking about a bit of depression, it reminded me that sorrow can be just as debilitating as any injury, especially when our heart is involved. It is not the cardiac type of heart, not that it can’t be affected by sorrow, but the emotional kind of heartfelt pains. All of it works together, doesn’t it? Anyway, please pray for them and their family. They need our loving thoughts and prayers.


Kathy Jarlberg has been taking chemo for leukemia and has been able to go home each week after her treatments. Her husband is still encouraged, but he sounds so very tired. It has to be almost as hard to be a caregiver as it is to be the one being cared for. And then Mariellen Rose has still got just a bit of pneumonia in her lungs according to her sons. She is being treated for leukemia as well. What is it with our world that we are so very susceptible to these illnesses? Nothing seems to be good for us any longer. Outside is full of dust and crud in the air. Inside is full of fumes of one kind or another. And then we have to consider our food on the table and the stuff spewing from the TVs or computers. Would love to be able to just grow my own food and not use any electronics. Guess that won’t happen, but if wishes were fishes . . ..


Guess my mind is on the wrong station or not tuned in to any of the happier thoughts for the day, so maybe it is a good time to tell you: Rest and Be Thankful. You are loved.

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