Saturday, November 20, 2021

Meals That Surprise Ya.

 Meals That Surprise Ya.


So, it was just me and the sister-in-law for lunch-upper today. Took some food down to Patty, but that was hardly enough to count. The broccoli salad was good; Anne’s rolls were delicious; the turkey was tasty; the dressing was tasty; and the conversation was interesting. Now the hardest part was watching these two dogs putting themselves up on the cushions that are supposed to be on the back of the couch. They think those cushions are dog beds. Nuh-uh. Anne couldn’t move that Sylvia didn’t want to be right beside her. And Anne just kept patting her. Haven’t tried the cherry or pumpkin pie, but tomorrow is another day. Will have to divide up the dressing to put in smaller bags to freeze, too. Just too much food for just a few folks. But Michelle was hurting. Understand completely. It hurts to move much when the body feels as if it is being used as a barometer.


Roger Thonton brought by some food from The Branding Iron last night that was breakfast this morning. Mighty tasty! Roger and his wife Susan are so sweet. Good friends like them are the best.


Will just tell you tonight that this ol’ gal is so tired and hurting enough that just thinking is a bit much. At least my pointy finger is not quite as sore, so there’s that.


It is almost time to put the hens away for the night. Have fed leftovers—not dressing with all those onions in it—to the dogs. They got enough to eat apparently, so now they look as sleepy as an old woman feels. Just not much point in trying to wish for life to be any better than this. We are so very blessed! God may let things in this nation go to your favorite handbag, but generally speaking, we know—at least some of us know—what we need to do to keep living a life that might be better than just accumulating shtuff and finding more thangs to show off. Nope, we need to be able to reflect the love that has been given to us in the best way we know how. Will leave it to each of you to find His way in your life.


Rest and be well. Find joy today. You are loved.

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