Thursday, November 11, 2021

Storms and Other Frightening Events.

 Storms and Other Frightening Events.


Last night Sylvia got up in my lap while we sat in the recliner in my bedroom. She was shaking so hard that it felt like my body was in one of those vibrating chairs! Connie asked why the Thunder Shirts were not on the dogs. That’s easy. Someone has to have sense enough to think about using them, huh. The wham bam of the hail on the roof, the outside walls, the AC units, and the windows made a horrible racket! It sounded as if a baseball had hit the roof a couple of times. But in Henrietta, my sister-in-law said they got pea to marble size hail. And Kellie Duke posted pictures of their place out toward Iowa Park with the entire yard covered in white—hail! But maybe the ones that were the most frightened were the five Marans in the middle hen coop. Their roost is close to the ceiling in there. This morning they were all huddled up on a shelf in the corner. HOLES were punched into the panels on the ceilings of both coops. Only the metal coop was unfazed by hail. Rain, yes, but not the hail. Not sure if the hens will go back to roost in there tonight or not.


Called the insurance company to ask them to send someone out to look at the roof. It’s not like an old woman would get up there and look around or even know what she saw if she were crazy enough to get up there. So, the adjuster will come out on Tuesday morning after ten. Should be home from the hospital by then. And Connie said that she was going to take me since she did not expect the dental work on Monday to cause her any problems. That keeps my sister-in-law from having to make the trip over here.


Hoping the canned dog food comes in tomorrow with a Fed-Up or UPS truck. Made enough food for two days for the dogs, but they have enough left to feed them in the morning. Yours truly did not order any more ground turkey to cook more for later. Lazy old woman is not much good for anything today—well, about like normal.


Have been reading a pretty good fantasy book. Jennifer must have been reading it, too. Guess who deleted it before Jenn had finished it! Dumb! Oh well. She got it back, so she will finish it and start the next one. We apparently have some of the same interests. Who knew?


Really don’t feel like writing about any of the things that have made my eyebrows raise today. Seems it is going to get a wee mite colder on Saturday night—about 34 degrees to be exact. And last night we got 1 ½ inches of rain. Not griping about that, mind you!


Just went out and gave the hens some feed. One of the black Marans decided to go inside and up on the roost in the little metal shed already. Think she wanted in there before all the rest got the same idea!


Please continue to pray for Stephen. He still has a drain in from his back surgery and won’t be able to leave the hospital until the pain levels are down somewhat. Feel so sorry for anyone having any kind of surgery like that. It is just scary as all get out! His family will need to take care of all the livestock and other routines until he and Nikki are able to return home from Dallas. Just the drive alone would bother me right now. Even riding hurts when your back is messed up!


Guess tomorrow will be time enough to plan to get more chicken feed. Can’t believe how expensive that stuff is! Then getting either the boys or Roger over here to fill up the bins is part of the rest of that little exercise. How we ever did this years ago is beyond me. But maybe we were all a bit younger and stronger. Hmm.


Let’s be praying for our nation and all those who have and are serving us in all the different ways from military to LEOs. Helping other folks can be rewarding, but it helps if your efforts are appreciated, too.


Rest and Be Grateful. You are loved.

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