Sunday, November 14, 2021

Good Friends.

 Good Friends.


Honestly don’t know what it would be like to have any other kind of friends, but some of mine are the neatest around. Today Roger came with tomatoes from his garden, took down some hardware from the deck for me to use in the big bathroom, installed the new boot/shoe scraper on the deck, and visited with me about some of the stuff that matters. Yes, we talked politics, too. My dogs, by the way, think he is the grandest around. He smells like cats, but he pets them like big dogs! Anyway, when he got here, the open door allowed the dogs to escape to go greet him. He was ready with some dog treats, too. Smart man!


Not hurting quite as much this evening, but have not done much either. My house needs some desperate attention to the floors again. Ah, well, they will get cleaned soon—maybe. Tomorrow is another day, and maybe at least one room will get cleaned. Or not.


Tomorrow my daughter-in-law has a birthday. Yes, some old woman will traumatize her by calling and singing happy birthday in every off key invented. She accused us of traumatizing the cat one time when we left a message on the answering machine. Since then, it makes me want to try to do it again. But now they have TWO cats!


Jennifer went outside to water a Christmas cactus she has had for seven years. It has buds all over it! She wonders if she was overwatering or something. I think it likes being outside right now.

Went to Petco today to get some CBD gummies for Thompson. His old body is hurting so much that he is having trouble getting up on the couch and is very careful getting down. He is not overly happy with my making him chew these things, but maybe they will help him.


You know how that some inventions have been hidden for umpteen years because only certain people wanted to make money from oil, gas, and vehicles that ran on them? Well, now that the “powers that be” want everyone driving an electric car, it makes me wonder if eventually someone will point out to them that it takes diesel generators to keep the electricity going for the batteries. Not to mention the replacement of batteries is terrible on the environment! Lewis designed—on paper, not with a running model—a compressed air engine that could run on air and water. He said that Caterpillar had just invented a valve that could be used with enough force to push something one way without any feedback on the valve. Cat wanted to sell the valve and the engines it would work in to Russia so that they could pump oil or gas or anything across Siberia or anywhere. But the U.S. had an embargo against Russia at the time and refused to let it be sold. Stupid, but now it could be done in smaller ways inside vehicles. Inventions like that could change the entire world, but it would also affect those whose lives revolve around oil and fuels that pollute. So, guess what will never see the light of day. Political shtuff just is infuriating.


If China had the technology to make things work that would alleviate the need for coal, can you imagine how clean the air would become? The entire world could change and plastics could be reduced to a non-starter for pollution. Clothes, good cloth without imbued plastics, could be good for the environment as well. Yes, this is just a day dream at this point, but it IS possible. Give some kids the ideas, and they could make it happen. Deep sigh.


Making stuff work has always interested me. My daddy talked about a wind charger that they used on the farm to run their radio. Of course, houses can now have those chargers to run an entire house, but installing them can be prohibitive. Even so, can you imagine if all new homes had that kind of innovative electrical power sources? Entire communities could eliminate the need for electrical wires running all over heck and half of Georgia. Oh well.


Fried some chicken tenders today and probably will make some more tomorrow since it was one of those buy one, get-one-free deals. Don’t like to freeze meat like that. Think it was already frozen at one point, too. Then there is the turkey that sitting in the bottom of the fridge slowly, slowly thawing! Thursday? It might be semi-thawed by then. Plan to make dressing to go with it, too. Have a can of cranberries and have a crown of broccoli to make broccoli-cranberry salad. Lots of cheese, some sunflower seeds, a good sweet apple cut into small pieces, and salad dressing—that is the basic salad with broccoli chunks sliced up. Sounds good and is good. Just miss Mom’s cherry pie. Just miss mom, period.


Thanksgiving has always been my very favorite holiday. It is not just the food that is so good. Granddad always made it look as if he was going to just have coffee after dinner, but he ALWAYS had a piece of pie stowed away somewhere! Funny guy. Loved him so very much.


Guess my daughter-in-law will make my homemade rolls to go with her dinner. Jennifer probably won’t this year, but she usually does. Someday maybe we will have all the kids here again at one time. Not sure where they will sit, but it is possible. Both of the kids have more room than this house ever had. But they need that kind of room, too. And when their kids all start getting married or whatever, it will be needed again. Life gets more interesting the further we go.


Not really in the mood to do much else today. Not that much got done, but still. Got two extra hours of sleep this morning! Woke up at 4:30, rolled over and went back to sleep! Got up at 6:30, so the dogs got to sleep in as well. Now that could be a nice habit to form!


Let us remember to be grateful for all blessings. We know the One who gives them to us.


Rest and find joy in this life. You are loved.



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