Monday, March 11, 2024

Children and Dogs.

 Children and Dogs.


My new neighbors have grandchildren who love to play out in their yard. My dogs love to bark at them now that they have decided the children are not a dangerous, strange anomaly. Who would have thought that children playing would make dogs think that something strange was taking place?!  Oh, and they had a small dog out there earlier, so there you have it! Strange things the children do and a strange dog. No cats, just a dog.


Bought more chicken this morning and have it on in Jennifer’s turkey roaster. Put in two packages at a time to cook and then have to let them cool before they can be deboned. Not much to debone, but still, it has to be done before they are frozen into packages. For din-upper this evening, a frozen package of noodles with pimento, cheese, chicken chunks, and some spice has just been what the appetite needed. Did not really feel much like eating for about five days while that headache was leading me around by my right ear! Dang! Have had migraines before, but this was a bit different. Oh well. Dr. Blackwell knew what to prescribe and did that, so now the old woman is just gripey without a real reason.


We have received some neat pictures from Scotland. Apparently, the kids are enjoying themselves. The first picture came from a pub that’s located not too far from their hotel/spa. They had Mother’s Day tea at some golf course—but not the one belonging to Trump. Not sure if that one is open. And who knew that they have a Mother’s Day in spring in Scotland. Sounds good to me!


The mowers are supposed to be here tomorrow. It embarrasses me to try to keep them from mowing down my bluebonnets and poppies before the blooms are obvious. We have not had enough rain to make the ground soft enough for me to sit down and pull up weeds around the flowers. Oh well. Patty suggested hiring it done, but that feels extravagant. Hiring the grass mowed is bad enough! And they weed eat what needs to be done as well. They do a good job, but it always makes me feel guilty for not doing it myself. Nevermind what that big mower does to my back.


Don’t know that the old woman deserves such good neighbors, but it certainly is wonderful. Shona checked on my yesterday after my trip to the pharmacy. Drove up there with one eye closed, but made it back without running into anyone or anything. Can remember when the first migraines hit back in the 90s. Had no idea that my blood pressure made a difference in how the head hurt. But dear hearts, your b/p really makes a difference. Anyway, got a text early this morning from Dr. Blackwell checking on me and then later another text from Shona. Felt well checked up on! Such a blessing!


My friend Mary is on her way to the feed store and then by here to pick up eggs and drop off cartons. So far, this old woman has stayed away from TSC and the chicks in there. Waiting to be sure that it is not going to get colder than a frog again. Not really even sure that more chicks are needed. Twenty-one hens are doing a good job of filling up the empty egg cartons. Need to check with the kids across the street and then call Maggie to clear my table of all those eggs. Her David likes eggs any time of day for any meal. They are really good eggs.


Walking outside has not been bad today. Just a bit windy. Niece Lesli sent a picture of “her” weaving a basket that she figures she will go to heck in. Agreed that the wind was blowing, but it is March. We can just be thankful that we don’t have any fires south of us. Looks like the one in Texas and Oklahoma is headed north and somewhat west. Pray for those folks!


Let us remember that all good things are from our God, and the best of those is His Son, Jesus Christ. May we strive to be more like Him.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.



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