Sunday, October 24, 2021

Signs of the Times.

 Signs of the Times.


Got tickled with Patty this afternoon. She ordered a sign to put up on her fence—well, that she will have me put up on her fence. It tells folks that it is private property—deliveries only, and her address so the delivery folks will know that they have the right place. Then she told me about some other signs she saw that had us both laughing. So glad that we can find some things that make us laugh! She was upset yesterday about the price of an oil change, and then she was informed that her blood pressure medication could not be delivered to her because it was out of stock and not likely to be back in stock for some time. She said it meant a call to her doctor’s office tomorrow. It is not like there are not sixteen different kinds of meds for that stuff. But still. It took nearly a year before we found one Lewis could take that did not cause him problems. Of course, that was many years ago now.


Patty also planned to see if she could find out if the guy who wanted to buy Jerry’s place would be able to have a business over there since this is a residential area. Hoping that only homes are permitted, but we will see. A new neighbor is not that big of a deal if the family wants to live there, but a business is another problem altogether.  


Jennifer and her friends are still technically in East Texas, but another hour and they will be in the Metromess. Will be glad when she is home with her family and her critters. It has been fun watching their progress and seeing some of the places that they have stopped and played. Diamond fields, beaches, alligators, sandy beaches, crab legs and shrimp, lots of scenery! Trips are hard, but can be oh, so much fun!


Lance asked me if Thanksgiving at his house would be a possibility. Had to tell him no. Patty said that she thinks Thanksgiving can be at home with just plain food as long as a person gets to say hi to family—or friends—at some point. Think that will about do it for both of us. Might buy some turkey bologna. LOL


Have not had any hawk guests today. Certainly hope that they were just coming through on their way to another area. They did not get to eat their kill, so maybe they were not too encouraged to stick around. The pelicans are still thick on the lake, but they have things to eat—fish. They are not particularly pretty birds, but they are amazing to watch. Love to see an entire flock just hit the sky and circle around before landing again. Then there is the white stuff that they leave behind on the ground. Whooo! Glad my place is not one they would ever camp on! Pretty nasty even if it is as much feathers as it is bird poo.


Sitting here looking at the details on this map of Texas on my phone. Texas has some very neat areas and some towns with strange names. Our homes have been here in the Red River Valley for so long that anything else seems totally different. Mesquites don’t grow everywhere. In fact, a friend—from Oklahoma—who took a bus trip with us to California back in ’83 had never seen a mesquite tree before. And then, when we went to Corpus Christi one year, the young man at the desk of the condo complex told us that there were some “exotic” trees down on Corpus Christi Drive. Hello! Did we ever laugh at the exotic trees!! Mesquites! But then, they had black bears down that direction and huge deer with great big racks of antlers on their heads! Our deer are like jack rabbits compared to theirs! Hard life in this part of the country for critters!


Just tried to find Palo Pinto County and couldn’t find it. Hmm. Looks as if Mineral Wells is in that county or maybe that is northwest of there. Certainly would not want to look for neighbors in that county! Looks as if there might be one tiny town around to the west of Mineral Wells.


Lance told me that he has been feeding his dog some “real” food that comes cold from Walmart. He thought my dogs might do well on it. Willing to try anything to make Thompson feel better and have less trouble with his allergies. He is, however, less itchy since he has been taking these allergy chews. Eventually maybe he will get over the itches and such. Poor baby. Know exactly how he feels. Have had allergy problems all of my life. Sigh


Slowly but surely shifting the feeders into the front two coops so that eventually the hens will maybe roost there as well. Only two hens roost in the little coop that is weather proof. If the others will roost there by this winter, maybe it won’t be so hard to keep one heater in there for the water and one for keeping them from getting too cold. Praying that the disaster we had in February won’t take place again. That was a mess and a half!


Read a post on FB from Mariellen’s sons that said she still has some pneumonia in her lungs. They have begun a milder sort of chemo for a couple of days before going for the hard stuff. Hate to see anyone my age or older going through that kind of crud. It is just about as easy to just live with the results of the cancer as it is to live with the effects of the chemo. God bless those who are dealing with this stuff!


The new rugs in the house have seemingly made a bit of difference. At least the living room floor is not covered with crud. Sylvia goes and walks in the dog pool and then walks inside the house. Footprints always have more to them around here than simply toes and heels!


Took a nap today and woke up feeling very good. It does not take much some days to make me feel better. But it never makes sense when my feet hit the floor and they have a mind of their own about where the body will go. Oh well. Maybe the doctor who does the spinal punctures will be able to correct some of this mess. Being able to feel my feet might help considerably.


Even though the wind is supposed to blow a gale on Wednesday, the temperature is supposed to be much lower. It should be an interesting day. Connie is supposed to pick me up to take me to the doctor’s office—just in case this is not just a conference meeting. Will buy breakfast for her at IHOP or Market Street—whichever suits her. Market Street has great breakfast foods at a decent price—and no tipping is necessary. We will see.


Really don’t know much. Lance sent me some information about the IRS thing where the government wanted to know where we had money and how much. It is a proposal rather than a law at this point. Here’s hoping that this one goes the way of the rest of the sewer garbage. No more politics for now.


Let us pray for the ability to love others as God loves us. Rest and be happy, my friends. You are loved.



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