Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Just Watching.

 Just Watching.


Such fun to watch Jenn and her friends traveling all over the East Coast! Honestly not sure that it would appeal to me as much now as it once would have. Always wanted to see Maine, but could not live there. Cold weather. Bleah! It may be beautiful, but it is definitely not comfortable. But then, the same can be said pretty much for the hotter areas. Florida can keep its humidity and its bugs! And those beautiful islands off the coast of North America down toward Cuba? No thanks. Hurrycanes and wild weather, volcanoes, civil uprisings, deeply engrained socialism, despotic leaders---ooopps. Was supposed to be talking about those islands, but it sounds like a little farther north, too. Better not go there.


My oldest child made some comment about common sense and his mom: he wonders about me, in other words. Just because my opinion does not match someone else’s opinion, does that mean mine is made to ignore and the other person’s opinion is the only one that is right? Just saw a sign that Jennifer posted from New Hampshire: Live free or die. Hmm.


My dogs have been playing together on the couch. They are absolutely funnier than kids playing marbles! And can just as easily trip anyone within their reach! The expression on Thompson’s face tells me that Sylvia is a pest as far as he is concerned. She is just laughing! Love my dogs.


Went and got feed today. Have a couple of metal trashcans with lids that need to be filled up—one in the little coop and one in the long coop. Seems something needs to be done constantly. But maybe that is why my body is still working as well as it is. Sore, mean, grumpy, but moving!


Talked to Smitty this morning (JoAnn’s husband) and he said she is thinking of revamping Jerry’s place and moving his sister Lisa in there. Lisa is a sweet girl, but she will attract every scum bucket out there. But it is understandable that her mom wants her to have a decent place to live. If this house can be repaired and otherwise rewired, replumbed, and remade with decent doors and windows, it might be a good place for her to live. Ah, well, we shall see. No sense worrying about it for the time being.


Had looked up an address and was sending a note to my friend Ardie this morning. Got on FB and discovered that she had already died. Not sure if it was the stupid virus or just her health in general. She had a really bad case of RA with totally twisted fingers and feet. It always made me feel sorry every time she posted a picture of her—whether it was one from her youth or one from later. She was such a wonderful artist with a camera or anything else. She loved the sea and would have been happy there in all likelihood. Some folks feel that way about mountains; others love the sea; and still others love the rolling plains. We have it all right here in Texas, so guess where the old woman will remain. Do want to see the Alpine area someday other than in pictures. Oh well.


Need to get some chicken out of the freezer later and grill it up to use in a salad. Had some Taco chicken salad power bowl today and really enjoyed it. Think all the ingredients are in the kitchen, so it will be a matter or just cooking up some chicken pieces. Even have black olives and sour cream! They use black beans, but my idea is that black olives would be just about as good!


It’s a beautiful day, but had to turn on the AC. Just a wee bit warm for me. Not sure what we would have done if Willis Carrier had not invented the refrigerated air conditioning for us. Fanning our hot little necks might have been a bit more tiring, for sure. And this weekend is supposed to be even hotter—though not so hot as any of the previous summer days! Cooler weather is my friend, let me tell you! Can always put on more clothes to get warmer. Can’t really take enough off in the summer time to help the situation. Oh well.


Jenn sent pictures of covered bridges. They are all single lane, of course. No doubt the folks who use them daily know how to watch for other drivers. And then there are the rushing streams under them! Oh, wonder if they let folks fish those streams or if it is all private land. So many places in Texas and Oklahoma have ponds or stock tanks, but invariably they are on private land that is posted. Can’t say that anyone could find fault with the owners. Who wants folks trampling down the fences and leaving gates open to release the livestock! Ah, but why be concerned about fishing anyway. Mine usually comes in a package ready to roll in cornmeal and put in the pan to fry or bake. Not nearly as messy that way. Not as fresh, but not stinky.


Really about as dumb as dirt today. Feel like it would be a good day to lie down and just be lazy, but want to sleep tonight. Did pretty well last night. Only woke up at 2:30, and then slept until 4:30. Not bad. Amazing how much sleep can mean to a person when it is hard to find it. Ah well, guess reading a book will keep me out of trouble for a bit.


About the best opportunities to pray come when we think we are doing great. So maybe this is a good time to pray for peace, for others’ safety, for merciful love for others, for kindnesses to be rendered where needed. Let us remember to be grateful for the many blessings.


Rest and be happy. You are loved.

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