Thursday, August 19, 2021

Squash and Okra!

 Squash and Okra!


The only reason summer is good—fried squash, fried okra, fresh tomatoes straight off the vine, cucumbers, melons, cantaloupe—garden produce! Love it, love it, love it! Just fried up one large squash for din-upper. Also fried a double handful of cut up okra to go with the rest of the squash. Yum. Is there anything better than fried okra, squash, or fried green tomatoes? Not likely! Just appreciate the fact that Cari Guidry’s mom will drop off the stuff from their garden that they can’t use. The best part of the melons are mine, and the outer edges belong to the hens. They run to the deck when they think something might be forthcoming. Have you ever seen a dozen or more hens running toward you? Funniest thing ever!


One of my beautiful black-laced Wyandottes died yesterday. Not sure what caused it, but this is the third one to die of that breed. Not sure if a dog ran over her or if she became egg bound. Either situation is deadly for a hen. Anyway, knew one was missing as the count goes on each night before the coop is closed up. Only seven Marans now, and now only five black-laced Wyandottes. Three hens in the little coop—Isa, Rhoady, and Athena. Ah! And Athena laid another egg today! How about that! Really thought she was through laying eggs forever. They can only lay for so long before they totally run out of egg making materials in their bodies. And three years is a good run for a hen. Some can live up to ten years, but it depends on the breed and the conditions around them. Mine are free range, but they share the area with these two crazy dogs, so if they get hit by a dog, their life expectancy definitely goes to zero.


SO appreciate having a doctor that will let me call or text and ask for something without having to go to her office for an exam. Dr. Blackwell has common sense and knows her stuff. When something comes along that she doesn’t do on a routine basis, she finds a specialist for her patients. She has stopped taking any new patients for now, but eventually she will probably take more. If she were not my doctor, would have to find one like her or use or something like that. Know that there are better ways to get medical help than to just use a doctor who stays so booked up that seeing one is next to impossible. A urinary tract infection should not have to wait two or three weeks for help! And calling a prescription in should not be a problem for something like that. Love being able to get what is needed when it is necessary!


The “news” of this world is about enough to make one sick. How we can face what is going on and is about to happen soon is frightening. But the only thing we can do is trust God’s hand in our lives. We can ask for His peace.


Please remember my sister, Sharon Dickerson, as she sees a doctor tomorrow about her heart. Let us ask God to give her peace of mind and good health.


Remember our teachers, students, bus drivers, and all other school helpers in the foreseeable future. May God protect and bless them in every way possible.


Rest and be grateful for all blessings. You are loved.

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