Monday, August 9, 2021

Dread and Other Useless Activities.

 Dread and Other Useless Activities.


While dreading a CT scan with an expected IV with dye contrast, the old woman who lives on the Hill had no idea other tests had been scheduled along with the CT. However, no dye contrast was needed for the CT, and only four views were x-rayed for the lower back. So dread was totally unnecessary and pretty useless, but the expense was unavoidable. Then the bill for the MRI came today. Joy to the world! Just happy to be able to pay for these things and have nothing hanging over me! Just have to wait now and see what the neurosurgeon says. The main thought at this residence is that walking is still an activity that is not impossible, so there’s that. Watching all the folks inside the medical center would make just about anyone happy to be able to walk, sit in a real chair, or otherwise take care of one’s self. We are so very blessed to have life and all that goes with it.


Dearly beloved, it is H O T outside. It was 103 on the deck earlier. Sprayed water under the deck, and the hens did not even vacate the premises. They just moved over a tiny bit and clucked. They may not even lay eggs for the rest of the week in this heat. Can’t blame them! It is simply too hot to sit inside in a nest of straw. Went out earlier to check for eggs, and the dogs took notice of some ding-a-ling out running on the side of the highway. Is that semi-insane or what?


When going out to the truck to leave this morning, Athena the Campine hen was in the front yard clucking at me about not being able to get back inside the back yard. Had to take time to unlock the front gate and throw her happy feathered backside in the yard. She would not go AROUND the gate and had to be caught by hand. Argh! Oh well. Not sure how she got out, but at least she has never made a habit of doing so. Told her that Donny was no longer around to chase hens back into the yard for me. Sigh


The wind has certainly been blowing a small gale this afternoon. Guess it could be worse. At least the air is moving, even if it is drying things out. Have seen days when it was just this hot and not a breath of air moving. Those are pretty hard days.


Think my youngest grandson is moving into the apartment near his school this weekend. It seems strange to think that he won’t be at the house every evening, but he will be within walking distance of his classes. That certainly has advantages. With his luck, they will go back to online classes only! Who knows what is next?


Connie has decided not to go around anyone at all unless it is just a dire necessity. Not sure that would work for me, but understand how folks could feel that way if they have already had this virus once the way she has. And having it once is no guarantee that a person won’t get it again. Sounds a bit like a really bad cold with coughing and all that garbage. She had a terrible time just breathing for about three weeks, so it is understandable that she would not want to be exposed again. Honestly don’t think we have tried all the different medications that are available to fight this mess. But if a suggestion is posted on FB, they immediately post over it and say something about false information. If anything feels false, it is the garbage that we have seen repeatedly perpetrated by the government and the CDC. Oh well. We each have to make our own decisions.


The grass pollen is getting up to seven right now—or will be at seven by tonight. That means that the reason my eyes are burning is allergies from all that wonderful stuff in the air. When Patty came outside to greet me when her trash bin needed to be taken to the road, she was having a terrible time breathing. She said the wind was taking away her ability to breathe. Kinda bet it was the pollen in the air as much as the wind itself. Just my guess. Feel for her and anyone with asthma right now.


Honestly do not know as much as one of my hens tonight. Woke up a little after four a.m. again and was unable to go back to sleep. That is so doggone irritating! Got up and sat outside while the dogs ran around the yard sniffing for rabbits. Heard one hit the fence wire, but the dogs didn’t bring it to me, so it had to have escaped. Would love to see them get all the freaking rats out in the coops. Went inside the long coop to check on Athena and saw two rats! Guess some traps on top of the coop might work. Jennifer did not want me to use the glue traps since the critter then has to be killed by hand. Bleah. Guess rat snakes have their benefits, but would rather fight rats than rat snakes!


It’s August in Texas, and we know that fall is not far off. Praise God for rain in due season and cooler weather to come. Let’s try to appreciate each season.


Rest well and look for the joys in life, my friends. You are loved.

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