Monday, August 2, 2021

Deep Sighs.

Deep Sighs.


These two dogs can seemingly sleep most of the day each day as if they have worked hard and need to rest. Whereas yours truly can just do a bit of running around, a little exercise, and feel totally pooped—no real excuse for lying about goofing off. But there it is: laziness. Sitting around watching Murdoch Mysteries on the movie channel is about as useless as a person can get. But such is my life today. And yes, more of the series will probably be watched tonight.


The most entertaining feature on Dickerson Hill today has been the broody hens and the silly ol’ woman who accidentally put one NON-broody hen in the pen with two that were definitely broody. One hen laid an egg and the other two fought over it trying to get to cuddle it under. So, the egg was broken and the ol’ woman should have apologized to at least one hen. Then the solid black Maran got to sit in the dogs’ pool for a bit. She just sat there after being placed in the pool, but she did not offer to get out for a bit. Maybe she really was enjoying the cool water.


My sister-in-law Anne Perkins turns 76 tomorrow. Will try to remember to send her a message wishing her a happy birthday. She and my brother Sterling are the same age. Getting on up there.


Sharon Dickerson sent me a link to a thing that talked about Ivermectin. It was available on a website: FLCCC.NET.          Anyway, if Ivermectin will really do the trick for fighting this virus, it seems to me it would be sensible to try it. If it does not have bad side effects, then it is probably safer than the vaccines!


On the way to PT today, had to pull over twice for fire trucks heading to the highway in front of the State Hospital. Some dingbat pulled in front of a truck or something going over 50 mph. It looked as if three or four vehicles were involved. And they had an ambulance headed that way, too. Hope whoever was involved came out of it ok.


The grass is growing again. Saw on FB that at least one area down by my son got four inches or more of rain yesterday. Sorry for the folks who got zero, but am amazed that we already have autumn rain started. It is AUGUST in Texas, so it seems like it ought to still be hotter than whodathoughtit! But the weather has been different all summer anyway. No sense being normal now. But the forecast is for much warmer days for the next few days—up to 100 degrees. At least it should not be much if any over 100. Those days are really hard.


With Jerry’s fence down, the dogs hear all the noise from the highway and bark rather often about what they hear. It really is difficult to distinguish what is coming this way and what is going on by down on the highway. Even so, glad that fence is down.


Really know less than usual to talk about. Enjoying my new microwave. It may take a bit to get used to one that cooks so much faster than the old one. And this one is big enough to stick a turkey inside! NOT that a turkey would ever be put in there! Nope, just normal food will be cooked along with bacon and thawing stuff. Now to learn how to use ten different settings for power!


Pray tonight for those who are in the midst of gang violence, those who are being threatened by migrants overwhelming their cities, and for those who have been infected by this horrible virus. May God give us peace and protection.


Rest and be happy. You are loved.



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