Saturday, September 2, 2023

Yawning Again.

 Yawning Again.


Today would have been a good day to sleep away the heat. It wasn’t really bad, and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter, but being lazy happens on hot days as well as good days. The chickens have been staying close to the deck where they huddle down in the wet dirt. Keeping them cool is a full-time job, to tell the truth. They dig “fox holes” wherever the dirt is not rock hard. And only water can make that happen right now. Still praying for rain for Texas. Oklahoma probably needs some, too!


Sterling called this evening to tell me about the young woman who had stopped by my house to pick up the rocking chair that he made for her granddaughter. She sent him a picture of the child in the chair. They got to talking and she said she had had shingles seven times now. Her insurance won’t pay for the two shots a person is supposed to take for this stuff. He said that the cost was something like $200 a piece for the shots. Simply cannot imagine going through that pain seven times! But you know how insurance companies view such as that! People do not matter to companies.


Really don’t know anything worth mentioning right now. Trying to stay cool and cooking a bit for my dogs are the main topics of thought right now. Got a chicken cooked for the dogs and made some fajita meat for me with lots of good onions to make sandwiches. Turned out pretty good. Just don’t have much energy for the little tasks on my list right now. Need to gather up the buckets and baskets ready for the pullets, but that means going outside and messing with the dusty hay and standing around in the sun. Would much rather wait until the air is cooler and even wet! But have a feeling the other little pullets are going to start laying soon. Right now, have two pullets and two hens laying. Eventually it will be interesting to gather all the eggs!


Let’s pray for everyone’s safety on the roads this weekend and Monday. May folks use good judgment in driving and not drinking wherever they are! Let’s all pray for this nation to turn to God in our lives. We know that only He can give us the protection and love we need in our lives.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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